Psalm 147 N.Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre 1 Praise ye the Lord, for it is good unto our God to sing; For it is pleasant, and to praise it is a comely thing. 2 The Lord his own Jerusalem he buildeth up alone, And the dispersed of Israel doth gather into one. 3 He heals the broken in their heart, their sores up doth he bind; He counts the number of the stars, and names them in their kind. 4 Great is the Lord, great is his pow'r his wisdom infinite; The Lord relieves the meek, and throws to ground the wicked wight. 5 Sing unto God the Lord with praise, unto the Lord rejoice, And to our God upon the harp advance your singing voice. 6 He covers heav'n with clouds, and for the earth prepareth rain, And on the mountains he doth make the grass to grow again. 7 He gives to beasts their food, and to young ravens when they cry; His pleasure not in strength of horse, nor in man's legs doth lie. 8 But in all those that do him fear the Lord hath his delight, And such as do attend upon his mercy's shining light. The Second Part 9 O praise the Lord, Jerusalem, thy God, O Zion, praise; For he the bars hath forg�d strong wherewith thy gates he stays; 10 Thy children in thee he hath blest, and in thy borders he Doth settle peace, and with the flour of wheat he filleth thee: 11 And his command likewise upon the earth he sendeth out; Also his word with speedy course doth swiftly run about: 12 He giveth snow like wool, and frost like ashes scatters wide; Like morsels casts his ice; the cold thereof who can abide? 13 He sendeth forth his mighty word, and melteth them again; His wind he makes to blow, and then the waters flow amain. 14 The doctrine of his holy word to Jacob he doth show, His statutes and his judgments he gives Israel to know. 15 With any nation hath he not so dealt, nor have they known His secret judgments: ye therefore, praise ye the Lord alone. |