Psalm 122          W.K.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes (668 668)

   1     I did in heart rejoice
         to hear the people's voice
      In offering so willingly:
         For let us up, say they,
         And in the Lord's house pray:
      Thus spake the folk with amity. 
   2     Our feet that wandered wide
         Shall in thy gates abide,
      O thou Jerusalem full fair;
         Which art so seemly set
         Much like a city neat,
      Whither the people do repair.
   3     The tribes with one accord,
         to give thanks to the Lord,
      Are thither bent their way to take:
         So God before did tell
         That there his Israel
      Their prayers should together make. 
   4     For there are thrones erect,
         and that for this respect,
      To set forth justice orderly:
         Which thrones' right to maintain,
         To David's house pertain,
      his folk to judge with equity. 
   5     To pray let us not cease
         for Jerusalem's peace:
      Thy friends God keep in amity;
         Peace be thy walls about,
         And prosper thee throughout
      thy palaces continually.
   6     For my friends sake will I
         wish that prosperity
      May evermore abide in thee:
         God's house doth me allure
         Thy wealth for to procure
      as much as always lies in me.

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