Psalm 109         N.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  In speechless silence do not hold,
         O God. thy tongue always,
      E'en thou, O Lord, because thou art
         the God of all my praise,
   2  The wicked and the guileful mouths
         on me disclos�d be,
      And they with false and lying tongue
         have spoken unto me,
   3  They did beset me round about
         with words of hateful spite;
      Without all cause of my desert
         against me they did fight.
   4  For my good will they were my foes,
         then I began to pray;
      My good with ill, my friendliness
         with hate they did repay.
   5  Set thou the wicked over him,
         to have the upper hand;
      At his right hand; Lord, suffer thou
         his, hateful foe-to stand,
   6  When he is judg�d, let him then
         condemn-ed be therein.
      And let the pray'r that he doth make
         be turn-ed into sin.
   7  Few be his days, his charge also
         let thou another take;
      His children let be fatherless,
         his wife a widow make:
   8  His offspring let be vagabonds,
         and ever beg their bread,
      In places desolate and waste
         let them seek to be fed.
  9  Let covetous extortioners
        get all his goods in store,
     And let the stranger spoil the fruit
        of all his toil before.
  10  Let there be none to pity him,
         let there be none at all
      That on his children fatherless
         will let their mercy fall.
The Second Part.
  11  Let his posterity be quite
         destroyed and never breed,
      Their name out-blotted in the age
         that after shall succeed.
  12  Let not his father's wickedness
         from God's remembrance fall;
      And never let his mother's sin
         be done away at all.
  13  But in the presence of the Lord,
         let them for ever stay,
      That from the earth their memory
         he may cut clean away:
  14  Since mercy he forgot to show,
         but did pursue with spite
      The troubled man, and sought to slay
         the woeful-hearted wight.
  15  As he did cursing love, it shall
         happen unto him so;
      And as he did not blessing love,
         far from him it shall go,
  16  As he with cursing clad himself,
         so it like water shall
      Enter his bowels, and like oil
         into his bones shall fall.
  17  E'en as the garment let it be
         to cover him withal,
      And as a girdle wherewith he
         always be girded shall.
  18  Let this be the reward from God
         of him that is my foe,
      Yea, and of those that evil speak
         against my soul also.
  19  But thou, O Lord, that art my God,
         deal graciously with me;
      Deliver me for thy Name's sake,
         for great thy mercies be;
  20  Because in depth of great distress
         I needy am and poor,
      Also within my pained breast
         my heart is wounded sore,
The Third Part.
  21  E'en so do l depart away,
         as doth declining shade;
      And as the grasshopper, so I
         am shaken off and fade.
  22  With fasting long from needful food
         my knees enfeebled are,
      And all the fatness of my flesh
         is gone with grief and care.
  23  And I also a vile reproach
         to them am made to be,
      And they that did upon me look,
         did shake their heads at me.
  24  Help me therefore, O God, I pray,
         my aid and succor be;
      According to thy mercies great
         save and deliver me.
  25  And they shall know thereby, that this
         is thy most mighty hand,
      And that 'tis thou that hast it done
         they welt shall understand,
  26  Although they curse with spite, yet thou
         shalt bless with loving voice
      When they rose up, and come to shame,
         thy servant shall rejoice.
  27  Let them with shame be cloth-ed all
         that are mine enemies,
      And with confusion as a cloak
         be cover�d likewise.
  28  But greatly I will with my mouth
         give thanks unto the Lord,
      And I among the multitude
         his praises will record,
  29  For he with help at his right hand
         will stand the poor man by,
      To save him from the man that would
         condemn his soul to die.

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