Psalm 7       T.S.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  O Lord my God, I put my trust
         and confidence in thee;
      Save me from them that me pursue,
         and still deliver me:
   2  Lest like a lion he me tear,
         and rend in pieces small,
      While there is none to succor me,
         and rid me out of thrall.
   3  O Lord my God, if I have done
         the thing that is not right;
      Or else if I be found in fault,
         or guilty in thy sight;
   4  Or to my friend rewarded ill, 
         or left him in distress,
      Who me pursued most cruelly,
         and hated me causeless:
   5  Then let my foe pursue my soul,
         let him my life down thrust
      Unto the earth, and also lay
         my honor in the dust.
   6  Stand up, O Lord, in wrath, because
         my foes do rage so fast;
      Unto the judgment rise for me
         which thou commanded hast.
   7  Then shall great nations come to thee,
         and know thee by this thing,
      If thou declare, for love of them,
         thyself as Lord and King.
   8  And as thou art of all men Judge,
         O Lord, now judge thou me,
      According to my righteousness
         and my integrity.
The Second Part.
   9  Lord, cease the hate of wicked men,
         and be the just man's guide;
      By whom the secrets of all hearts
         are search�d and descried.
  10  I take my help to come of God,
         in all my pain and smart;
      Who doth preserve all those that be
         of pure and perfect heart.
  11  The just man and the wicked both
         God judgeth by his pow'r;
      So that he feels his mighty hand
         e'en ev'ry day and hour.
  12  Except he change his mind, I die;
         for e'en as he thinks fit,
      He whets his sword, he bends his bow,
         aiming where he may hit:
  13  And doth prepare his mortal darts
         his arrows keen and sharp,
      For them that do me persecute,
         and do on mischief harp.
  14  But 1o, though he ill travail be
         of his dev'lish forecast,
      And of his mischief once conceived,
         yet brings forth nought at last,
  15  He digs a ditch, and makes it deep,
         in hopes to hurt his brother;
      But he shall fall into the pit
         that he digg�d up for other.
  16  Thus wrong returneth to the hurt
         of him in whom it bred;
      And all the mischief that he wrought
         shall fall on his own head.
  17  I will give thanks to God therefore,
         that judgeth righteously;
      And with my song will praise the Name 
         of him that is most high.

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