Psalm 6       T.S.

Words: Sternhold and Hopkins, The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre

Common Metre Tunes

   1  Lord, in thy wrath reprove me not,
         though I deserve thine ire;
      Nor yet correct me in thy rage,
         O Lord, I thee desire:
   2  For I am weak, therefore, O Lord,
         of mercy me forbear;
      And heal me, Lord, for why? thou know'st 
         my bones do quake for fear.
   3  My soul is troubled very sore,
         and vexed exceedingly;
      But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay
         to cure my misery?
   4  Lord, turn thee to thy wonted grace,
         some pity on me take;
      O save me, not for my deserts,
         but for thy mercies' sake.
   5  For why? no man among the dead
         rememb'reth thee at all;
      Or who shall worship thee, O Lord
         that in the pit do fall?
   6  So grievous is my plaint and moan,
         that I grow wond'rous faint;
      All the night long I wash my bed
         with tears of my complaint.
   7  My sight is dim, and waxeth old
         with anguish of my heart,
      For fear of them that be my foes,
         and would my soul subvert.
   8  But now depart from me, all ye
         that work iniquity;
      Because the Lord hath heard the voice
         of my complaint and cry.
   9  He heard not only the request
         and pray'r of my sad heart,
      But it receiv�d at my hands,
         and took it in good part.
  10  And now my foes that vex�d me
         the Lord wilt soon defame,
      And suddenly confound them all
         with great rebuke and shame.

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