Psalm 77Words: Brady and Tate, A New Version of the Psalms of David 1 To God I cried, who to my help did graciously repair; 2 In trouble's dismal day I sought my God with humble pray'r. All night my fest'ring wound did run, no med'cine gave relief; My soul no comforts would admit, my soul indulged her grief. 3 I thought on God, and favors past, but that increased my pain, I found my spirit more oppressed, the more I did complain. 4 Through ev'ry watch of tedious night thou keep'st my eyes awake; My grief is swelled to that excess, I sigh, but cannot speak. 5 I call to mind the days of old, with signal mercy crowned, Those famous years of ancient times, for miracles renowned. 6 By night I recollect my songs, on former triumphs made; Then search, consult, and ask my heart, where's now that wondrous aid? 7 Has, God for ever east us off? withdrawn his favor quite?. 8 Are both his mercy and his truth retired to endless night? 9 Can his long-practiced love forget its wonted aids to bring? Has he in wrath shut up and sealed his mercy's healing spring? 10 I said, My weakness hints these fears: but I'll my fears disband; I'll yet remember the Most High, and years of his right hand. 11 I'll call to mind his works of old, the wonders of his might; 12 On them my heart shall meditate, my tongue shall them recite. 13 Safe lodged from human search on high, O God, thy counsels are! Who is so great a God as ours? who can with him compare? 14 Long since a God of wonders thee thy rescued people found: 15 Long since hast thou thy chosen seed with strong deliv'rance crowned. 16 When thee, O God the waters saw, the frighted billows shrunk; The troubled depths themselves, for fear, beneath their channels sunk. 17 The clouds poured down, while rending skies did with their noise conspire; Thy arrows all abroad were sent, winged with avenging fire. 18 Heav'n with thy thunder's voice was torn, whilst all the lower world With lightnings blazed, earth shook, and seemed from her foundations hurled. 19 Through rolling streams thou find'st thy way, thy paths in waters 1ie, Thy wondrous passage, where no sight thy footsteps can descry. 20 Thou ledd'st thy people like a flock, safe through the desert land, By Moses their meek skilful guide, and Aaron's sacred hand. |