Psalm 6

Words: The Psalter for Christian Worship, Michael Morgan

Music:  7's 

Unable to initialize a MIDI player for your browser     "Dix"  Conrad Kocher, 1838
Unable to initialize a MIDI player for your browser     "Lux Prima"  Charles Gounod, 1818-1893
A Prayer for Mercy
      LORD, rebuke me not in wrath,
         Nor in anger hide Your face;
      Vast the heights of agony,
         Great the depths of my disgrace.
      Flesh and spirit languish sore,
         O forget my soul no more.
      LORD, Your mercies are not bound
         By designs which cannot move,
      But are measured in the realm
         Founded through Your steadfast love.
      All distress shall pass me by,
         When, by grace, You hear me cry.

Words � 1999, Michael Morgan
Used by permission

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004