Psalm 103

Words: The Psalter for Christian Worship, Michael Morgan

Music: 7s  Unable to initialize a MIDI player for your browser     "Ratisbon" Johann Gottlob Werner 1815
Unable to initialize a MIDI player for your browser "Lux Prima"  Charles Gounod, 1818-1893
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
      Bless, O bless the LORD, my soul,
         All within me, praise the LORD!
      In the fullness of my life,
         Ever is God's name adored!
      Who redeems my sinful soul,
      Makes my fainting spirit whole.
      Merciful, with grace endued,
         God will judge with righteousness;
      Slow to anger or to chide,
         Swift to pardon and to bless.
      Though our sin deserves the rod,
      More than sparing is our God.
      High as heav'n above the earth
         Is the LORD'S redeeming love;
      Far as east from west is laid,
         So does God our sin remove.
      As a parent, pity take;
      Cleanse our hearts for Thine own sake.
      Like the grass that grows and fades,
         So the cycle of our days;
      But God's love is ever sure
         Unto those who sing God's praise.
      LORD of heav'n, in faithfulness
      May I never cease to bless.

Words � 1999, Michael Morgan
Used by permission

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004