The Bay Psalm Book:
The Whole Booke of Psalmes
Faithfully Translated into English Meter.
Whereunto is prefixed a discourse declaring
not only the lawfullness, but also the necessity
of the heavenly ordinance of singing Scripture psalmes
in the churches of God.
Cambridge, Mass. Stephen Day
Imprinted 1640

The Bay Psalm Book is a very important piece of history. It was both the first book
printed in the Colonies and it was also the first book entirely written in the Colonies.
When one considers the difficulties of mere existence during this time, a mere 20 years
after the first arrivals in Plymouth in 1620, the magnitude of the effort and
accomplishment is even more impressive. The first printing press in New England was
purchased and imported specifically to print this book.
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The Bay Psalm Book
Index of Psalms from the Bay Psalm Book