
Friends of Music for the Church of God

We wish to express the deepest gratitude to those who have helped us put this web site together. The following people have provided material help that has greatly contributed to the content of the site:

  • Todd and Floy Drawbaugh and Paul and Thelma Dwiggins for the loan of copies of the RCOG hymnal.
         Todd and Floy are prior WCG members who are now independent Sabbath keepers. They live in Maryland and are active with InterAct, a ministry that serves the various home fellowships of the Church of God.
         Paul and Thelma are members of UCG-aia in the Indianapolis area.
  • John Paul Howell for providing a computer-readable copy of the index of the CGI hymnal and numerous MIDI files of its music. John Paul came into the church through CGI around 1994 and now attends with a small independent fellowship
  • Bill Evans, who provided many additional MIDI files from the CGI hymnal.
  • Roger and Lyna Jane Bryant of the UCG Hymnal committee for the loan of a "generic" version of the CGI hymnal.



To all who have reported errors on the web site. You all cared enough to report those wrong links, mis-spelled words, inaccurate facts and all the other errors that creep in. You are the unofficial editors of this web site, and it is a much better product because of your alertness and care.


Information about the sources on which Dwight Armstrong based his words.
2. Any other information or resources related to the hymnals of the Worldwide Church of God or its offshoots.
3. Preparation of MIDI files
4. Requests, suggestions, ideas, corrections and criticism.


Page last modified on: 07/29/2004

Copyright (c) Friends of the Sabbath