The Wisdom from Above

Words and music: Ruth Myrick
Words based on Proverbs 2:6-7, Proverbs 8:10-11, Matthew 7:24-27; 25:1-13; James 3:17

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   1. Incline your ear to wisdom, and your heart to understanding;
      It's more precious than rubies and better far than gold
      The Lord gives us His wisdom, knowledge and understanding,
      He lays it up for the righteous who His laws and commandments hold.

      The wisdom from above is pure and always peaceful;
      It's gentle, compliant and in mercy will increase.
      This wisdom from above is impartial and sincere;
      It sows the fruit of righteousness, brings everlasting peace.


  2.  The Gospel tells of virgins, who went out to meet the bridegroom,
      And the wise ones their vessels with oil they did provide.
      The call came in at midnight, summoned them all to meet Him,
      The five wise virgins were ready to go in and with Him abide.


  3.  The man who hears God's teachings, Who goes out and then obeys them,
      He is just like the wise man who builds upon a rock.
      The rain descended, winds blew, beating with force and fury,
      The house will stand without shaking, for it's founded upon a Rock.


  4.  Yes, happy is the person who inclines his heart to wisdom,
      Its instruction and counsel will save them from the snare.
      Speak truth and live sincerely; shun pride, deceit and false ways.
      The blessings will surely follow and from evil you will be spared.


Music copyright �1993 by Ruth Myrick
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004