The Lord God Reigns!

Words and Music: Dottie Seifert
Text: based on Micah 4; Isaiah 2

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  1.  In the latter days upon the earth
      Jesus Christ our Lord shall reign.
      There a temple shall be builded up
      and all people flow to it.

      Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord.
      There He will teach all nations of His ways.
      We will walk in the paths of the Lord.
      The Lord God Reigns!

  2.  Then the law will go from Zion out,
      from Jerusalem the Word.
      He will judge the people of the earth;
      many nations will obey.


  3.  They will beat their swords to pruning hooks
      and make plowshares of their spears.
      Nations will not take up swords again
      and will train for war no more.


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Words and music copyright �1996 by Dottie Seifert
Permission is being sought

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
e-mail us at:
Page last modified on: 07/29/2004