Love IsWords: Condie Erwin, based on I Cor 13 Music: 1. Though I speak with the tongues of angels, though I have the gift of prophesy, Though I understand all mysteries and have not love, I have nothing. Love is patient, love is kind, envies not nor is full of pride. Where knowledge is, it will pass away; where there are tongues they will be stilled. Though I speak with angels' tongues, without love in my heart, I have nothing. 2. Thought my faith can make mountains wander, though all my goods I give to the poor, Though I give my body to the flames and have not love, I have nothing. Love seeks not self nor is rude, thinks no evil, rejoices in all truth. But not abide faith and hope and love, and love is greatest of all three. Thought my faith makes mountains move, without love in my heart, I have nothing.