If You Know These Things

Words and music: Ross Jutsum,
Text based on John Isaiah 1:18 and John 13:1-17


 1.  Just before we take the bread and wine,
         there are lessons to be learned;
     And our feet, the body's lowest parts
         help us humbly to discern.
     When we look to all our brethren
         and esteem them, free from pride;
     When we let His mind be in us,
         He will be our strength and guide.

     "If you call me Lord and Master,
         Understand just what I do
     You should also wash each other's feet,
         as I have done for you.
     I have given this example
         and will put you to the test;
     If you know these things and do them,
         you surely will be blessed."

 2.  When we see the dirt upon our feet,
         and our sin, right from the start,
     Then we realize we need His blood
         for a washing of our hearts.
     Though our sins are just like scarlet,
         they shall be as white as snow;
     When we follow His example,
         more like Him we're sure to grow.


 3.  As our feet support us ev'ry day
         to wherever we may go,
     Humbly serve the many members
         of His body here below.
     Help them carry all their burdens
         and their purpose to fulfill;
     For our Savior came to serve us
         and to do our Father's will.


Words and music copyright �1993 by Ross Jutsum
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
e-mail us at: webmaster@cgmusic.com
Page last modified on: 07/29/2004