Won't It Be Great!

Words and music: Ross Jutsum,
Text based on Isaiah 2:4


     Won't it be great in the world tomorrow
        when the earth will be at peace
     Won't it be great when there's no more sorrow,
        and all suffering will cease.
     The blind man will see and the deaf, they will hear
     The lame man will leap up for joy.
     The towns will be safe and the streets will resound
     With the playing of girls and of boys.
     Won't it be great in the world tomorrow
        with no worries and no fears
     Won't it be great when there's no more sorrow,
        and God wipes away all tears
     The desert will blossom and bloom like a rose:
     The rivers will run fresh and clean.
     This planet will sparkle; the air will be clear;
     Just imagine the wonderful scene.
     Won't it be great in the world tomorrow
        when the earth will be at peace
        and all suffering will cease.
     The swords will be beaten to plow shares as well,
     When ev'ry one's keeping God's law.
     There'll be no more fighting; the world will be free;
     We will not hear of war any more.
     Won't it be great in the world tomorrow
        with no worries and no fears
     Won't it be great when there's no more sorrow,
        and God wipes away all tears

Words and music copyright �1993 by Ross Jutsum
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
e-mail us at: webmaster@cgmusic.com
Page last modified on: 07/29/2004