Pure Religion

Words and music: Ross Jutsum,
Text based on James 1:17, 27

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  1. Pure religion undefiled before our God and Father;
     Pure religion from the heart draws us all together.
     Visit orphans in their grief, widows in distress.
     Keep unspotted from the world, grow in righteousness.

  2. Ev'ry good and pleasant gift, it comes from  God above;
     Coming from the Lord of Lights, from the God of love.
     Of His own will brought us forth, by His Word commands;
     Leads us by His perfect truth, first fruits of His plan.

Words and music copyright �1993 by Ross Jutsum
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
e-mail us at: webmaster@cgmusic.com
Page last modified on: 07/29/2004