Unto My Earnest Prayer Give Ear
(RCOG - "O, Had I Wings Like Some Swift Dove")

Words: Psalm 55:1-5,  9-11,  7, 6 as published in: The Psalter of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, 1889 ed. alt.

Music  Dwight Armstrong
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 1.  Unto my earnest prayer give ear,
        nor hide Thee, O Most High;
     Attend my sad complaint, and hear 
        my mourning, bitter cry.
     Because of sinful men I weep,
        and persecuting foes,
     Who wickedness upon me heap,
        and me in wrath oppose.

 2.  Sore pained in heart, I find no ease,
        death's terrors fill my soul;
     Great fear and trembling on me seize,
        and horrors o'er me roll.
     Destroyed, Eternal, let them be;
        divide, confuse their tongue;
     For in the city, lo I see
        great strife and grievous wrong.

 3.  All day and night they go around
        upon her circling walls,
     While sin and sorrow great are found
        within her peopled halls.
     Yea, crimes of violence and fraud
        within the city meet;
     Deceit and guile there stalk abroad,
        nor leave the crowded street.

 4.  Lo, wand'ring far, my rest should be
        in some lone desert waste;
     I from the windy storm would flee<
        and from the tempest haste.
     "O had I wings," I sigh and say,
        "like some swift dove to roam;
     Then would I hasten far away,
        and find a peaceful home."

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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004