Roger Bryant's CD


Roger Bryant and his wife Lyna Jane have produced an album of vocal solos that contains many of the songs we've loved to hear him sing over the years. The format is vocal solos (Roger) with piano accompaniment (Lyna Jane).

The selections are:
1. The Lord Is My Light
pixel.gif (42 bytes) (Frances Allitsen)
6. How Great Thou Art
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(Stuart K. Hine)
2. If With All Your Hearts
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(from Elijah, by Felix Mendelsson)
7. The Holy City
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(Stephen Adams)
3. If My People Will Pray
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(Jimmy Owens)
8. Then Shall the Righteous Shine Forth
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(from Elijah, by Felix Mendelsson)
4. The Pilgrim's Psalm
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(Ralph Vaughn Williams)
9. I'll Walk With God
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(Nicolas Brodsky)
5. There is a Balm in Gilead
pixel.gif (42 bytes)(William L. Dawson)

From the liner notes:

"This short album of nine songs is dedicated to the many brethren, family members and friends with whom we have shared music over the years, and to others who may be first time listeners. It is our hope that God will use this music to bring comfort, hope, and strength, and that, above all, glory and honor will be given to our great God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Roger holds a bachelor's degree in choral music education and a master's degree in vocal performance from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth Texas. Lyna Jane holds a bachelor's degree in piano performance and church music from Bethel College in St. Paul Minnesota, and a master's degree in musicology from Texas Christian University. Both Roger and Lyna Jane are employed in the music department at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, where they reside with their three children, Lauren, Reed and Leslie.

Webmaster's notes:

For those of you who have heard Roger I'll just say that this album does him justice. It is the Roger Bryant who has lifted us up on so many occasions with his powerful and sensitive performances.

For those who haven't heard Roger Bryant before, his wonderful lyric tenor voice and style are perfectly suited to the selections on this album. Lyna Jane's piano accompaniment is powerful when called for but fades respectfully into the background at the right times.

Not mentioned in the liner notes is the fact that when Roger was a member of the Dallas Symphony Chorus he was a featured soloist with the chorus in Handel’s Messiah.

Ordering information:

The album can be ordered direct from the Bryants at:

Mailing address:
Roger & Lyna Jane Bryant
900 Westbrook Circle
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482

Cost: $10.00 for either CD or Cassette
The price includes shipping and handling.


Page last modified on: 07/29/2004