GIVING & SHARING NEWSLETTER                                                              July, 1994 No. 28


History of the Saturday Resurrection Doctrine


      One of the most popular items distributed by Giving & Sharing has been History of the Saturday Resurrection Doctrine, written by George Dellinger.  It is now back in print and available once again from Giving & Sharing.  It is truly amazing how many students of the Bible have understood the vital truth that the Messiah was not resurrected on the first day of the week!  Yet, as shown in our Bible Study, “The Wheat and the Tares,” it is even more surprising how some, who seemingly understand that the Messiah was not resurrected on Sunday, nevertheless, teach that He was resurrected on Sunday!  If this sounds contradictory, it is.


United States and Britain in Prophecy Back in Print


      Although the Worldwide Church of God no longer publishes Herbert W. Armstrong’s excellent book on Anglo-Israelism, nor supports this doctrine, one group that has broken off from the Worldwide Church continues to publish it.  We recommend that you write for a free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy from:  Philadelphia Church of God, PO Box 3700, Edmond, OK  73083.  Originally written in the late 1920s as a 300-page manuscript, this booklet is the 1945 edition, which is in the public domain.

      We disagree with the Philadelphia Church of God on some points, but commend them for their effort to conserve the doctrine of the identity of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples.  As African naturalist Baba Dioum said, “For in the end, we conserve only what we love.  We love only what we understand.  We understand only what we are taught.”


Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed?


      You have no doubt seen Amos 3:3 used to disfellowship someone for almost any doctrinal difference.  “One difference, and you’re out of here!” is how some ministers interpret this verse.  While there are valid Biblical reasons why you must, at times, break off spiritual fellowship with others, this passage should not be used for this purpose.  This is a case where the King James Version missed the meaning of the original.  “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” should actually be translated, “Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment? (Green’s Interlinear Bible, and see also RSV).”  The word translated by the KJV as “agreed” is Strong’s #3259, yaad, which means “to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); to meet (at a stated time); assemble or meet together at a set time.”

      By examining this verse in context, the meaning becomes abundantly clear.  Amos prophesied about 790 B.C., shortly before the Assyrian captivity of the Northern House of Israel, which had split with Judah around 975 B.C.  Jeroboam, who had led the revolt of the Ten Northern Tribes against Solomon’s son Rehoboam, instituted worship of the golden calf at Dan and Bethel, ordaining a false feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, rather than the seventh month Feast of Tabernacles, I Kings 12:25-33.  Jeroboam chased the Levites out of the cities of Northern Israel, II Chronicles 11:13-17.  Some have thought that Jeroboam even did away with the Sabbath.  Ezekiel 20 seems to indicate that Sabbath-breaking and idolatry were sins which caused Israel and Judah to go into captivity. 

      The prophecy of Amos was primarily directed against Samaria, which was the capital of Israel, the Northern Ten Tribes.  Twice Amos pronounces God’s judgment against Israel’s false holidays.  Amos 5:21 says, “I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies [margin: your holy days].”  The “rich and increased with goods” attitude of Samaria, Amos 6:1, 8:4-6, caused God to say, “I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation,” Amos 8:10.  Israel was not keeping the Sabbaths and Holy Days of God at this time.  God hated Israel’s false feast days.  Israel had departed so far from God that He was not even going to send prophets to them anymore; they would face a famine of the word, verse 11.  They were headed to captivity or death by the sword, Amos 9:9-10.

      By failing to meet with the Eternal on His divine appointments, Israel had lost divine protection and blessings.  This is why Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed [meet by appointment]?”  You cannot walk with the Almighty unless you meet Him when He says to meet Him.  Otherwise, He goes on without you.  That is why it is so important to continue observing the correct Sabbath day, and correct Holy Days.  When you miss divine appoint­ments (Hebrew word for feasts is moed, which means divine appointment), you immediately are headed in the wrong direction and miss His divine presence.

      So we have seen that Amos 3:3 was God’s disfellowship pronouncement to Israel for continually failing, after a period of hundreds of years, to meet His divine appointments.  God’s time of patience and forbearance was nearly finished.  Judgment was just around the corner.

      This year, I know brethren who kept a “Pentecost” on five different dates.  Sincere study led to five different appointments to meet the Eternal, and all five cannot be correct.  Rather than use Amos 3:3 as a club to beat other people who differ with us, we should see this message from the Eternal as a warning.  If the Almighty shows us His Truth, and we continually turn away from it, He may use Amos 3:3 against us.  We all need to cry out to the Creator for direction and guidance.  If we continually fail to meet His divine appointments, He may go on without us.          Ω