Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?


Your immune system is one of the most important assets you have.  You need a strong immune defense system to ward off disease.  For years, we have objected to routine vaccinations because they often are made from unclean substances.  Neil Z. Miller’s book, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? ($9 suggested donation, plus $2 postage from Giving & Sharing, Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849) gives additional good reasons not to choose vaccination.  Vaccines can cause the disease from which they are intended to protect you.  All vaccines have undesirable side effects, which can in some cases lead to seizures, brain damage, and death.  When you tinker with the body’s immune system designed by the Creator God, all sorts of developmental disorders, autoimmune diseases, and unprecedented rise in criminal activity and violent crime, can result.  This book is packed with facts and well-documented footnotes to help you make decisions regarding vaccinations for yourself and your family.

Well-substantiated scientific statistical reports have shown a trend in America towards deteriorating health in children and young adults.  Allergies, eczema, autoimmune diseases, behavioral disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrome, have skyrocketed.  While unhealthy diets and exposure to toxic environmental chemicals have their part in this trend, Miller targets vaccination as a major cause.  Childhood vaccinations thwart the normal development of immune systems.  Many common infectious diseases were already declining due to improved sanitation, before vaccines were introduced.  There may be a direct relationship between vaccinations and the modern epidemics of chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, AIDS, learning disabilities, and other health problems.  Before the mid-twentieth century, minor childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella (German measles) may have served a major role in the normal development and strengthening of the immune system of children.  By altering nature’s normal defensive pattern with unnatural vaccines, we likely have set the stage for more serious diseases later on in life. 

There is no credible evidence that the polio vaccine caused polio to disappear.  In fact, the number of polio cases increased after mass inoculations.  From 1973-1983, 87% of all polio cases were caused by the polio vaccine.  Similar results occurred with other common vaccines.  In 1984, 58% of all measles cases were contracted by people who were vaccinated against the disease.  This demonstrates a little-known fact:  vaccinations do not necessarily prevent you from contracting the disease!  A study shows that of 103 children who died of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 70% had received the DPT (diptheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine within three weeks.  Doctors tend to report deaths caused by vaccine under some other name, and are generally reluctant to tie vaccines to a host of neurological problems.  Many neurological problems caused by vaccines are then treated with high-powered drugs, which, in turn, cause other problems.

Neil Miller states that no vaccine can guarantee genuine immunity.  Often, the opposite is the case: the vaccine increases the chances of contracting the disease.  All vaccines produce side effects, and their long-term effects are unknown.  Many choose not to take the risk.  Most states provide waivers permitting parents to object to mandated vaccinations on personal, religious, or philosophical grounds.  However, many colleges are now requiring new students to be fully vaccinated as a prerequisite to admission.  All states, except Mississippi and West Virginia, permit a religious exemption.  For more information about vaccines and how to avoid them, see the Global Vaccine Institute’s website,