Church of God News
Positive News of the Churches of God
Video Review — Sabbath Miniseries | Church News from Kenya | Feast Reports | Giving & Sharing Articles | Seventh-Day Men of England | Book Review — Seventh-Day Sabbath | Church News, Living COG | Hanukkah, Should We Observe it? | Will You Sell Jesus? | Establishing the Children | Bible Word Scramble | Video Review — Gray #3
Ducks in the Clouds
Watching imaginary scenes in white fluffy clouds is one thing. To believe Satan’s computer-generated dust-storm pictures is quite another.
Remember those lazy hazy days of summer long ago, when we laid on our backs watching the clouds go by? We saw ducks, and cows, and pretty girls, and boats in the white fluff way up there. What I saw you couldn’t. And what you saw was invisible to me. And whatever we saw was soon blown away in the breeze, leaving us to watch for the next imaginary scene in the sky.
Recently someone E-mailed me a picture of a mound of earth with eerie gray clouds overhead. In the clouds were two hands, reminiscent of Michelangelo’s finger of God reaching out to give life to His newly-created Adam. The cloud picture is said to be from Florida in the wake of the 2004 hurricane season.
Just days after 9/11, a similar picture was published showing Nostradamus’ face in the billows of dust and smoke rising from the Twin Towers as they crashed to the ground. The devil, Jesus, and others have appeared from time-to-time, in pictures of dust storms and snow squalls. Without fail, they arise out of the misery of huge segments of mankind.
Such pictures are not new. Years ago they were the result of photo darkroom wizardry or airbrush artists. Today, they’re computer generated, and generally appear in trashy newsstand tabloids, and people believe them.
Genesis 3:1 tells us that the serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field. No doubt, he had several conversations with Eve before the one recorded in the Bible. Like any skilful con man, Satan, disguised as the serpent, likely painted wonderful word pictures of what a life of wisdom would be like. Then came the best one of all: “You won’t die; your eyes will be open to good and evil; you will be like gods.”
The old serpent (Revelation 12:9, 20:2) is still painting pictures today but, unlike our imaginary ducks in the clouds, they purport to be messages from God. And just as God uses humans to spread His gospel message today, Satan uses humans with a bit of computer skill to spread his evil scenes. Of course, people believe them. Doesn’t the Bible tell us Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, and his demons are transformed as ministers of righteousness (II Corinthians 11:14-15)?
Jesus gives us a glimpse of life in the last days of man’s worldly system in the 24th chapter of Matthew. In verse 24, He told His disciples that false Christs, and false prophets will arise, and show great signs and wonders, insomuch if it were possible, they would even deceive God’s people.
Through such pictures as the hands of God, and the face of Nostradamus, Satan seduces the gullible into believing his deceptions. Through the medium of the Internet, far more people will see Satan’s pictures than will ever see them in supermarket tabloids.
Don’t be deceived. If you are convinced such pictures are messages from God, how easy will it be for you to believe this or that television evangelist is Jesus Christ himself?
Everything you do or say affects an average of seventeen other people. If you have one hundred people on your mailing list, and send such pictures to them all, you have affected at least 1700 people, many of whom will accept Satan’s deceits as gospel.
It’s no wonder God tells his believers, through Paul, to rightly divide the Word of truth (II Timothy 2:15) from the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
— by Leslie A. Turvey
© Used by permission
Problems Anyone?
“Houston, this is mission control: we’ve got a problem!”
When you’re dealing with spacecraft, and you hear a message like this it, would make the adrenaline flow. This must to be serious. Life is at stake. The brain begins to whir.
What if the problem was due to MY miscalculation, MY oversight or error? Heads will roll and, if it was my fault, my head will roll.
So how does this relate to your simple, uninvolved existence? Well, who said your life was simple and, secondly, why are you not involved?
You became involved when you realized that your life was spinning out of control (mission control, I’ve got a problem), and you asked for deliverance — then you were baptized. This introduced a measure of complexity to your life because you cannot simply follow your basic instincts anymore. Everything you do must be weighed against God’s standards.
Those who have been around the Church for a while, I’m sure have seen instances of alcoholism, fornication, financial “irregularities,” or injustices of various kinds. Strangely, some were allowed to continue over a long span of time. Now this is not a new thing in the world or in the Church. Paul records several abuses in the book of Corinthians alone.
Sadly, the abuse itself is not the only problem. The failure to act or react coexists with it. Paul admonishes those sitting on the sidelines. I Corinthians 6:2-5, “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the Church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?”
We must be vigilant, but more than that, we must speak up. Now who do I mean by we? Not the minister, as you have been trained to think, but you. Wow, look at verse four again. The Church should even set those who are least esteemed in judgment. I think he is implying that there may at least be a modicum of wisdom in the “least esteemed.”
Now if it is true, as a Mr. Blackaby concludes, that there is less than one percent difference in the problems of the world and the Church, and another study shows thirty six percent of Church members have watched pornographic Web-sites, and thirty-three percent of ministers have done the same, evidently there is still a lot of judgment needed.
Just as in the case of our “mission control” man, people may try to deny the problems, justify them, share the blame, deny responsibility, or bury their head in the sand. The situation is critical. Our life depends upon our actions. Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in Me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
We are called to be a light to the world. That implies the use of power. We are given the Spirit (power) of God to shine the light of truth on the evil deeds of the world and, yes, even the evils in the Church. Catherine Ard wrote: “If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible example.”
Paul wrote to the “shame” of the Corinthians. Do we have a problem?
— by Steven J. Kieler
The phrase that is guaranteed to wake up an audience: “And in conclusion...”
Video Review…
Sabbath Mini-Series in Production Global Distribution Planned
[The following is a review of the fourth of a five part series on the history of the Sabbath. This excellent production has been shown at the Feast of Tabernacles at Lake Texoma, Oklahoma. Steve Kieler, editor]
LLT Productions has completed the fourth episode, The Seventh Day: Revelations from the Lost Pages of History, of its five-part documentary miniseries on the history of the Sabbath.
Part Four of The Seventh Day spotlights the resurgence of Sabbath observance in an era of religious upheaval — from the spiritual revolution in late 15th century Russia, through the 16th century religious rebellion of the Protestants, to the radical Sabbath revival of England in the 17th century.
In the Revelations from the Lost Pages of History series, veteran actor Hal Holbrook, and experts from around the world, uncover amazing, but seldom-heard stories about God’s special gift to the world, The Seventh Day.
The nerve center of this multi-million-dollar effort is LLT Productions, a lay-operated ministry based in Angwin, CA.
Pat Arrabito, LLT President, said, “What we have in hand today is the culmination of more than a decade of dreaming, praying, and planning.”
According to writer Jim Wood, it has been difficult to limit the series to five parts. “There’s a massive amount of historical data — I’m talking about solidly documented facts — and we’d like to use it all. It’s been hard to know what to leave in and what to leave out.”
LLT Productions plans to release the completed series on a major cable television network in 2005. Currently under consideration are The Learning Channel, The Discovery Channel, and A&E.
For more information about The Seventh Day, you can visit their Web site at: or call their toll free number at: 1-800-558-4478.
The Seventh Day—- Part Four Overview
Russian Reformation — This Sabbath-keeping movement reached to the highest levels of Russian society, and led to fiery executions in Moscow’s Red Square.
Ethiopia: Sabbath Crisis — Jesuit missionaries succeeded in converting the Emperor to Roman Catholicism, but attempts to quash Sabbath-keeping resulted in civil war.
The Inquisition — Civil and religious authorities united to root out “heresy.”
Spain: Heart of Intolerance — The “Catholic Monarchs,” Ferdinand and Isabella, used the Spanish Inquisition to rid their Church of Jewish heresies.
Goa: Reign of Terror — Inquisitors carried their campaign of religious persecution to the coast of India, part of Portugal’s expanding empire.
Sola Scriptura? — Protestant Reformers insisted on the authority of the sacred Scriptures, while Roman Catholic leaders defended their Church’s stand on tradition.
Radical Reformation — Persecuted by Protestants and Catholics alike, these radical reformers stood for strict adherence to biblical teachings. Among them were new champions of the seventh-day Sabbath.
Sabbath in the North — Church leaders in Norway and Denmark tried to stamp out Sabbath observance among Catholic and Lutheran Church members.
The Seventh-day Men While many Puritan preachers promoted strict Sunday observance, other prominent Englishmen called for a return to the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.
— by Robert Williams
Order VHS or DVD from: Bible Sabbath Association, 3316 Alberta Drive, Gillette, WY 82718. $20 for one, two or more, $18 each. Please add $2 each for postage. Specify Part 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Church News…
It is just to say that we are fine in the Lord Jesus Christ, here in the Kenya East Africa Region. I believe also that you are OK too in the USA. I don’t cease reminding you of the low economic status of our people in the East Africa Region. Many people are living below poverty line, a threat to mission work in the mission field. As a missionary, therefore, they expect you to support material needs in addition to spiritual needs. Among the needy are orphans, widows, and physically disabled people. Our mission teams composed of pastors, evangelists, and singers have observed these needy people and are advocating for the orphans, and widows to be supported in any way possible. The majority of them need clothes, food, and basic things.
In spite of their agricultural small scale farming, (cropping) — implying that they are hardworking — these people are always faced with harsh climate conditions. There are hot and dry long seasons, and short wet seasons during the year. Wet seasons are at times catastrophic, and destroy the crops.
So, missionaries are faced with questions, and challenges, such as how to help the needy, planning meetings and seminars, and working with community based organizations (CBOs). For community development projects, they provide training on moral values, health education, agricultural training, orphans support, and most collaborate with Churches. Currently I have been appointed to the central management committee of the KAPSICOBO, a CBO in my District. I agreed to work with them on such programs like health education, moral values, and orphans support programs.
You will be happy to hear that our Church is growing. Although there are less permanent buildings, Churches are carrying on any where it is conducive, like under the tree shades, in schools etc. It is my wish and prayer that all these activities go on successfully, and that doors will be opened so that my participation in the KABSICOBO and the CBO will be a great work to our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in helping the orphans and widows. Let it be known, so that they pray for us. James 1:27, 2:14-18; Matthew 25:33-46. Yours in Christ,
— by Elder Overseer Andrew Koech, PO Box 61, Chebunyo, C/o Sotik, KENYA
Feast Reports…
Our family joined about 750 happy people (plus a few soreheads!) for
the United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles in Anchorage, Alaska. Surrounded
by snow-capped peaks, Anchorage has stunning beauty. To the north, you see Mt. McKinley (Denali), the tallest mountain in North America. The fall colors were a brilliant
yellow and gold. Road signs indicate “Moose Crossing,” and many feast goers
sighted these gentle, tall antlered animals. Local salmon and halibut provided
excellent dining. We took a train ride to Portage, and saw Dall sheep on the
rocky mountainsides. I took a short plane flight over the Chugach Mountains and
Knik Glacier, a river of ice whose 200-foot tall chunks break off heading to
the ocean, and 400-foot deep crevasses stretch for miles up the mountains.
Alaska is a land of great beauty and pristine wilderness. With few roads, many Alaskans fly their own planes. A local saying goes like this: There are bold pilots. There are old pilots. But, there are no bold, old, pilots!
Daily sermons during the Feast included messages from Doug Horchak (Festival coordinator), Charles Melear, Dave Roenspies, Scott Ashley, Mark Welch, David Holladay, and others. For a copy of the sermon messages, please contact Doug Horchak at:
— by Richard C. Nickels
Quebec, Canada
Dear Mr. Nickels,
My husband Rene and I went to the Feast of Tabernacles in Canada, Mont Joy, Quebec. It is about 200 miles from here. What a blessing it was. I really liked the Living Church of God. Their structure for the plan of salvation is well done. Every day was a step forward, easy to understand, right to the point. Awesome. It was a big boost for me, being by our selves for so long, surrounded by all Sunday-keepers. I feel sometimes that I’m choking. Now I know there are people, even in our area that are like us, alone, and hanging on to the truth of God. We met our brothers and sisters over there. Thank you so much for the information that led us there. With Christ’s kind of love.
— by Rene and Rollande Fauteux
“Doomsday” doesn’t refer to the day we’re all doomed. The phrase comes from the Old English noun “dom,” which meant “judgment,” so doomsday is actually judgment day.
Somebody once figured out that we have thirty-five million laws trying to enforce Ten Commandments.
Lake Texoma, OK
Between 90 and 100 people gathered together at beautiful Lake Texoma, OK to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. We were blessed with drawing closer to God with inspiring sermons, prayer meetings, studies, and seminars. God also gave us perfect weather to enjoy our picnic by the lake, fresh fish fry, fun park for the kids (of all ages) and a river boat dinner cruise which was a hit with everyone. What a blessing the Holy Days are.
Gloria Anderson; Kayla, Tina, & Barry Henry
Neva Dodson and Edith Schug
June Beaver, Shirley Jacobi, & Dorothy Carrell
Kayla Henry
Kenny Kitzke, Steve Kieler, & Allen Tritt
— by Suzanne Kieler
Northern California
God provided a wonderful Feast site at Konocti Harbor in Clear Lake, Northern California. One of the features that made for a great bonding experience was that the majority of people attending stayed on the resort property. People liked the closeness.
We also had several social opportunities to maximize that environment: barbecues, two ice cream socials, a boat cruise, a family night (games & music), a song service to welcome in the Sabbath, Senior Bingo, a wine tour that included tasting at two wineries, and a Christian Art History Class. On the last night, we had a progressive dinner — going to four different apartments, each decorated in a theme of the course of the dinner that they served. We had three Bible Studies: two by Lawrence Gregory, and one by Virgil Velasquez. Average attendance was 75.
The Church furnished a cottage on the water at the resort within walking distance of our meeting room for services. It was used as a hospitality suite. One male member lived there and provided coffee and breakfast treats every morning before services. It became a drop-in event that people really enjoyed.
— by Jeff Henderson
Lake of The Ozarks, Missouri
The annual Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated at the Lake of the Ozarks from September 30 through October 7, 2004. The Mid-Missouri Church of God hosted the eight-day festival at the Baymont Inn and Suites for about seventy people of all ages, including seven college students.
Messages and Bible studies were given by twelve different speakers, from locations ranging from Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin to British Columbia. The theme this year was, “Lord, Bind Us Together With Love.” This theme was also carried out in the songs sung throughout the Feast, and seemed to increase the warmth among brethren. At least ten or twelve independent Churches, Bible study groups, and home fellowship groups, as well as organized and incorporated Churches were represented. Activities included many meals together, a picnic in the park, a table games night, a pie and ice-cream social, a sanctity of life seminar, special music at each service, a ladies’ luncheon, a kids’ round table, and a variety show.
At one service, Connie Griffith led us in a standing ovation of gratitude for a young U. S. soldier on two weeks’ leave from duty in Iraq. Brian Beasely, a helicopter maintenance technician, attended services with the Johnny Collins family. God, and His son Jesus Christ tabernacled with us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, each day. Many prayers were offered, and answered. On the last day two little children, Cameron Harmon and Jocelyn Harmon, received the traditional “Blessing of the little children.”
— by Duke Schneider
Ocho Rios , Jamaica
You may find this attached Feast report of more than normal interest. That’s because the Jamaica CGI congregation is rapidly growing. They had 11 baptisms on the Last Great Day.
With a high attendance of 271 on the weekly Sabbath, the Church of God, International, celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. “Ivan the Terrible” left the area along the north coast from Montego Bay eastwards of the largest English-speaking Caribbean Island mostly unscathed. So, this Feast site blessedly escaped the ill-effects of this year’s busy hurricane season. Since the local Church has rapidly grown in attendance in recent years, it met for the first time in a large meeting room above a restaurant called “The Ruins.” This location supplied the gathered Feast-goers with a striking millennial backdrop outside. As seen to the congregation’s left through the bank of windows, which mostly formed the room’s walls, a nearby waterfall flowed through lush tropical greenery.
The general theme of the speakers consisted of warnings against materialism, and against making this life our priority as Christians when Tabernacles in type point to our present lives as being aliens, and sojourners in a temporary world. The local speakers employed a particularly powerful metaphor by comparing this world to “Babylon,” which represents not merely sin, confusion, or a false religious system, but economic power and wealth (See Revelation 18:9-23). Resident pastor Ian Boyne, in his Last Great Day message, “Confronting the Twins,” pointed out it’s much easier for people in the Church of God to condemn Roman Catholicism, Babylon’s religious side, than to escape the pressures exerted against Feast and Sabbath observance and the temptations presented by the desires to pursue wealth, Babylon’s economic side.
We need, he observed, more sermons condemning materialism and fewer attacking Babylon and her daughters since people in the Church of God movement will find economic Babylon’s offers of pleasure, money, and (illicit) sex much more alluring than the doctrines of Catholicism. Deacon Glenford Smith gave a powerful message against passion, pride, and pleasure, that perhaps for many, was the outstanding message at this Feast site. The traveling speaker was Duane Nichol, who gave strong messages about the “Cortez Principle,” of burning our connections/bridges with the world, and the “Poignancy of the Fig Tree,” about the need to produce fruit. Other sermons were given by George Ramocan, a local deacon, and by Ray Curtis, an American independent.
Social activities at this Feast site included a quiz competition between junior and senior teams, a sports day, a youth Bible study, and a singles mingle. A spiritual workshop, led by Deacon Ramocan, allowed the congregation to share its solutions to three theoretical dilemmas of Christians torn between spiritual and physical goals.
On the Last Great Day Pastor Boyne and Deacon Paul O’Connor baptized 11 people in the ocean off the main beach in Ocho Rios. For a local Church with two congregations, of around 230 in attendance, this is a remarkable level of growth. The Jamaican CGI’s evangelism has adopted the strategy of deliberately targeting other Sabbatarians, such as the Seventh-day Adventists, and the Church of God (Seventh Day), on the “wedge issue” of the Holy Days. Most conspicuously, some 20 CG7 members attended at least part of the Feast with CGI while still going to regular Sabbath services with their own Church. As a result of a strong emphasis on local and personal evangelism, including public debates with traditional Christians of various denominations, the Jamaican CGI has undergone remarkable growth in recent years. With North American congregations of the Church of God movement generally treading water, or in decline as the number of deaths exceed baptisms in many congregations, we may find it wise to learn from what the Jamaican CGI congregations are doing when such fruit is borne during the Feast itself.
— by Eric Snow
Living Church of God, Missouri
Here in mid-Missouri, we had a wonderful Feast with good weather, and inspiring sermons. The Churches have had growth since the last Feast. We heard sermonettes, and sermons about the World Tomorrow covering such topics as: how we will teach people the way of God concerning the jubilee, and eating good food from the soil. Knowing that we are near the end of Satan’s rule and the beginning of the millennium, we heard how to be peacemakers, how to obey God in all things, and how to reflect Godly character. We certainly have many blessings to be thankful for, and look forward to preparing ourselves for teaching in Tomorrow’s World! With warm regards,
— by Glenn and Zara Travis
Benin Republic, Africa
Shalom! In Leviticus 23:34, God states: “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord.” Then He elaborates further in Leviticus 23:40-41: “And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days. And ye shall keep it a feast unto the Lord seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.”
So, throughout the ages, the Feast of Tabernacles has been celebrated! Our Father and His Son had to be so pleased with His Feast of Tabernacles held at Zooti in Togo Republic this year of 2004. “God’s Family Reunion” as it could be called, was celebrated with love, rejoicing, and family caring. Attendees were always being directed, from the pulpit, to rejoice at “God’s Holy Party,” that this is a Family Affair, to believe that “what makes God happy should make us happy, and that the Feast is only eight days, but memories (made here) last forever.” The amount of love, and caring shown to each other this year was just fantastic!!! Not just from those who were the speakers, and volunteers, but from all of the attendees. There was continuous fellowshipping at the planned activities, the outside lunches, and dinners. The activities were blessed by the offer of rides, meals, etc. Everyone seemed to be so attune to others wishes and needs.
This year we had 15 brethren from Chad Republic, you could remember that I sent you a report of our outreaches in Chad Republic, Chad is a hundred percent Muslim. Praise God for the 15 people who were also among those baptized. From the Benin Republic we had 351, Togo 85, Niger Republic 5, Mali 12, Gabon 23, and several others from other denominations who came to celebrate with us. Eighty-two among them gave their lives to Christ, and they become members of God’s family. We recorded also some miraculous events. A family who was chased out by groups of sorcerers in Togo, came to us, and God delivered them, and healed them. The family refused to inherit the worship of a village idol, because the priests had killed several families in the past for refusing to inherit this idol. They have returned to their home. This is something that was before impossible because of the danger from the fetish priests.
Our God is a consuming fire, and He has consumed the evil one and set this family free from fear, and bondage. They are now believers.
We were blessed by many excellent sermons, beautiful special music, and activities that were unsurpassed. The attendance was up this year; hovering close to 400 each day, and 521 were registered. The speakers seemed to be God-inspired, since most of their sermons were working close to the same theme. Some of them were: Mark Josiah, Emmanuel, Austin Odiachi, Sunday Ndum, Marcello DeSouza, Nick Achi, and Michael Porter. Sister Stella Porter was a leading vocalist and prayer leader.
Each day began with a Scripture reading from the youngsters. There were twenty-three baptized that joined us in the family of God. The special music this year was just that — special! The music was provided by a myriad of persons. The Fun Show was about the same, very diversified, and multi-talented. It’s always amazing to me how many of God’s family are blessed with special talents. Our thanks to all the speakers, teachers, musicians, volunteers, and photographers who gave of their Feast time to make the time better for everyone. A special thanks to Mama Margaret Dyer who sent us $500, brother David Johnson and Brother John Walsh, his Church and ACTNET who assisted us with over $600 for all their hard work, love, donation, and effort. Without them, we could have not had the Feast.
We have some unsettled debts to the tune of $512 for several people who could not afford their transportations. A brother also lost his one-month pregnant wife on his way back from the feast. Pray that God will console brother Barry, and his children. The Feast in Zooti, Togo this year was as expected: Tremendous! What else could we expect God’s Holy Party to be?
During the Feast, we prayed for so many people, and several were healed through the power of God. So many brethren from Chad, Benin, Togo, etc. are in need. Many are jobless, and we need some help for revolving loans of $200 each which they will refund after 6 months for others to benefit. There is much need for used clothes, shoes, medicines, a school, latrines, and drinking water for the communities, foot peddled sewing machines for the poor families in our midst, used computers for the Church, and the brethren, etc.
We are in need of evangelical equipments such as a sixteen or eighteen seat bus, keyboards, speakers, mega phones, FM microphones, speakers, amplifiers, etc. We need also Bibles and faith building literatures. We are also in need of a monthly support of $300 to help us in rents, etc. A community donated a piece of land, and we need money to construct a Church, and a school there.
We want the brethren to visit us, and help us in our outreaches too. We need those who can help us with a container of used tropical clothes and shoes, school supplies, food, electronics, etc. Pray that the Lord will provide funds for ACTNET, and LifeNets to help us here, and also to Mama Margaret, and the brethren in Bermuda to continue helping us, and to give them good health.
Social services are one of the methods to reach the unreached for Christ here. So many of our brethren cannot send their children to school due to lack of school fees. As we celebrated the FOT, may we be found with Christ during the thousand-year reign.
Hope you all had a blessed FOT 2004. May God bless you all for being a source of blessing to the brethren in Africa. Remember our poor pastors who trek hundreds of miles to preach the gospel without food, bicycle, or automobile. We need all these, and I need a bus too as we spend so much in transportation. Can someone stand with me monthly with a sum of $150 to help pay my rents?
May God bless you all. Your brother in Christ,
— by Michael Porter, 03BP2991 Jericho,
Cotonou, Benin, Africa
Just for fun…
What place does a sea monster like the best? Lake Erie.
Why did the sea monster eat five ships? Because he couldn’t eat just one.
Feast of Tabernacles Comments
LCG’s R.C. Meredith writes: “In the Gospel of John, we read: ‘But when His brethren were gone up, then went He [Jesus] also up unto the feast, not openly, but as it were in secret,’ John 7:10. Verse 14 states, ‘Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught.’ So Jesus’ inspired example was keeping the Festivals that God had commanded His people always to keep. Church historians recognize that these Festivals were kept by the Church of God for a number of generations after the cross — until they were slowly stamped out during the Dark Ages by the early Roman Catholic theologians who gradually brought in the pagan festivals — making it easier for the pagans to assimilate with this type of Christianity.
“In one of the last books of the Old Testament, a type of bridge book leading over into, and obviously pointing toward many New Testament truths, Zechariah tells us that the Feast of Tabernacles will be observed in Tomorrow’s World. God’s Holy Days were not done away with at the cross, or at any other time. Those of us now keeping them are pioneering what will soon be a worldwide practice!
“Zechariah 14:1 describes how the ‘Day of the Lord’ is coming, and all nations will be gathered to battle against Jerusalem. ‘Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives,’ Zechariah 14:3-4. Verse 9 tells us, ‘And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one.’ And then we read, ‘And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles,’ Verse 16-19.
“So, my friends, the entire world will soon be keeping the Biblically commanded Festivals which portray the great Plan that our Creator is working out here below. The Feast of Tabernacles, called the ‘Feast of Ingathering’ in several places in the Bible, points toward the great fall harvest when all humanity will be gathered into God’s Kingdom, and Christ Himself will rule this world as King of kings (Rev. 11:15).”
— Submitted by Robert Thiel
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Do not use ALL CAPS.
At the end of the article, put your name, and if you wish, your E-mail address, with an emdash (a long dash), a space, and your name, right justified. Note: please have a space before and a space after an emdash. In Word, you make an emdash by holding down the Ctrl and Alt keys, and press the minus key on the 10-key pad. Example: — your name, your E-mail address. A soft hyphen is made by holding down the Ctrl and – keys (the minus on the regular keyboard).
Do not put blank lines between paragraphs. Do not tab paragraphs, and do not put spaces to indent paragraphs (proper indenting takes care of that). How do you indent paragraphs? In Word, select the entire file (Ctrl A), then right click and choose Paragraph, then Indents and Spacing. Under Special, select first line, and enter .25. This creates a .25-inch indent at the beginning of each paragraph. With this formatting, you don’t have to press Tab to create and indent a paragraph, just press Enter.
While you are in Paragraph formatting, set Alignment at Justified, Indentation Left and Right at 0, Spacing Before and After at 0, and Line Spacing at exactly 12pt. More advanced Word users may set these formatting options in a Style, such as Normal Style.
Margins should be set at Top/Bottom .75, Inside/Outside .90, Gutter .25, Header/Footer .50, Mirror Margins.
Thanks for submitting articles to Giving & Sharing!
Some Other Things to Keep in Mind
Most usages of Church should have capital C.
Sentences end with a period, and sometimes a quote mark, e.g., “…for the edifying of the body of Christ.” NOT “…for the edifying of the body of Christ:” It doesn’t matter what the KJV text has: we end sentences with a period and quote.
Commas are sometimes helpful to distinguish pauses within a sentence, e.g., “In 1976, the school moved,” rather than “In 1976 the school moved.”
It is mandatory that the last item in a group be preceded by a comma, e.g., apples, oranges, and bananas NOT apples, oranges and bananas.
Addresses: PO Box 123, rather than P.O. Box 123.
Many folks have fits with its and it’s. Instead of “horizon casting it’s long yellow rays,” it should be, “horizon casting its long yellow rays.” The reason is that it’s is a contraction of it is.
Years are usually not possessive; they are plural, e.g. “the Philadelphia era began in the 1930s,” rather than “the Philadelphia era began in the 1930’s.” The word Bible has a capital B. The word Sabbath always begins with a capital S. It is Sabbath-keepers, not Sabbath keepers.
We capitalize states, so MO is correct, rather than Mo.
It is E-mail, not email.
Personal pronouns referring to Jesus or God the Father are capitalized, e.g. “Jesus obeyed His Father.”
The golden rule of writing is: be consistent!
Internet addresses (unless they are secure https sites) should not have http:// preceding www.
Send us church news and articles for Church of God News!
A Bit of History…
During the Feast of 2004 at Lake Texoma, there was a video presentation on the topic of Sabbath-keepers in England during the seventeenth century. One of the many notable facts that was mentioned was about the “Seventh Day Men.” I decided to research this topic, and the men who were part of this group. Here is what I discovered:
Soon after the King James Bible of 1611 was published, John Traske arrived in London, and became disgusted by the way the clergy was corrupted in their way of life, and religious teachings. This man felt that God would give His Spirit to those who obey Him and follow His way of life.
John Traske promoted fasting and revived the concept of unclean foods. With his gift of preaching, he was able to draw a following of many men and women. He discovered that the Sabbath was on Saturday, and not Sunday as the Church taught.
This man’s influence caused a growing body of English Puritans to understand that the Bible nowhere changed or annulled the weekly Sabbath.
The Church of England ordered him to cease preaching on this topic, and he was put in prison for these beliefs. While in prison, he was able to study the Bible more in-depth, and discovered that Easter was pagan, just as Sunday was a man-made practice. So he started to observe Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread as the Old Testament commands.
Just as Paul suffered for his religious practices, Mr. Traske was imprisoned, whipped, mutilated, and even branded with a “J” on his forehead for doing the practices of the Jews.
He is the first man on record to have kept the Sabbath in England during the seventh century.
Another person who discovered the truth on this topic was a Puritan named Thomas Broad who was to publish a book on why we are to keep Sunday as the Sabbath, but as he researched deeper into this topic, he discovered that Saturday was the Sabbath, and that it was not changed.
He wrote a three-hundred page book in 1628 called Discourse on the Sabbath covering the gaps in reasoning of Sunday keeping, and how observing Sunday is illogical.
But he was imprisoned for eighteen months, and the elder of the Church threatened to cut his ears off if he did not repent of this doctrine. Under these threats, he did recant, and stated that he was wrong.
Thomas Tillam was a preacher at Hexham, which is just north of London. This preacher, after much research, adopted laying on of hands after baptism which he understood as immersion.
Since he was paid by the Church, the Church asked that he give an account for his new beliefs. After this review with the Church, he was dismissed as a preacher of the Church of England.
After this event, Mr. Tillam went out and searched for a Church with similar beliefs. This search led him to Dr. Peter Chamberlain who led the only Baptist Church congregation that supported the Fifth Monarchy Movement.
In 1656, Mr. Tillam held his first Sabbath services on Saturday. Like other Seventh Day men, he was arrested; and during his time in prison, he wrote many books that relate to the Sabbath, and to prophecy. He even related the mark of the beast with the changing of the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday.
The Fifth Monarchy Movement, as mentioned earlier, was a semi-political pressure group, which drew many fundamentalist congregations in England. They expected the Kingdom of God on the Earth very soon in their time. The name of this group came from Daniel 2 with the four kingdoms, and the fifth which would be the Kingdom of Christ. To prepare for this kingdom, in their point of view, England had to conform to the laws of the Bible. Yes, they kept Sabbath and believed in a millennial rule of God on Earth.
Henry Jessy was one notable Fifth Monarchist who observed a number of what opponents described as “Jewish laws” which certainly included the Sabbath. He knew that the “lost tribes” were to play a part in end time prophecy and made attempts to identify who they were, even postulating that they may be the American Indians.
Another gentleman that preached the Sabbath was John James who believed in the millennial rule of Christ. He believed that Christ would come and remove all governments on earth to be King of Kings.
But on a Sabbath in October 1661, Mr. James and thirty of his congregation were arrested, and executed as an example to others who may have wanted to follow these beliefs.
Mr. James’ head was placed on a stake outside the Bullstake meeting house.
Stephen Mumford decided to escape from this persecution and fled to Rhode Island in 1664. Over a course of a few years, he established a Sabbath-keeping Church which was the first America Church to observe the Sabbath.
These are just a few men, and the beliefs which they held dearly. Some of these beliefs are very similar to what we believe now in the Churches of God. I encourage you to research this topic, and you may be surprised at your discoveries.
These facts point out that the observance of the Sabbath Day was not just an invention of the Churches of God, but a truth that has been around since the Garden of Eden.
— by Doyle Carter
Editor’s Note: For more information about Seventh-Day Men of England, see, Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, $14 + $2 postage, from Giving & Sharing.
Book Review…
A History of the Seventh-Day Sabbath Among Christians in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America
by Blaine Neumann
2004, 36 pages, $3 from The Bible Sabbath Association, 3316 Alberta Drive, Gillette, WY 82718
For the last 2000 years, Christian Sabbath-keepers have existed in numerous places around the world. Blaine Neumann has written an outstanding short history of Sabbath-keepers by geographic region. No matter what your level of knowledge of Sabbath-keeping history, you are sure to find many new facts in this well-documented history.
For example, did you know that Ukraine and Russia have a centuries-old history of Sabbath-keeping? Russian Sabbath-keepers included members of the royal family. The Eighteenth Century French writer Voltaire identified Russian Sabbatarians as follows: “Of the sect called Sabbaton, who reside in Russia, some say one thing and some another. It is evident however, that they originated from the Vaudois who fled before the Crusaders into Germany, Bohemia, and Poland, and thence into the imperial [Russian] territories. They pay great attention to the Bible, but little to the priests, for which reason, probably, they have been so hated by the latter.” Many of the Sabbaton were still found along the Polish border in Russia a century after Voltaire.
Facts such as this support our belief that God has preserved His Church throughout the ages, in spite of His people being persecuted.
From Syria, Armenia, China, Mongolia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Italy, France, and the British Isles, we find that Sabbath-keepers have persisted.
— by Richard C. Nickels
Church News…
LCG is finishing up the production of its own hymnal. It has been working on this project for some time, and expects to distribute them to most USA locations by the end of December 2004. LCG has been using, in most areas, old hymnals that it legally acquired from the Worldwide Church of God.
LCG’s Rod McNair reports: “We are forming clubs in Sacramento, and Reno. In Reno, we have about ten who signed up, and six in Sacramento. We are also seeing if there is interest for a club in Fresno. I haven’t had clubs in Reno for the past couple of years, (last year we did “Sermonette Seminar,” and the year before “DELS lectures”) so thought we would go back to it this year. And there are some new guys in their late teens who will be joining for the first time who are pretty excited about it.”
LCG’s Bruce Tyler reports: “The month of August was a particularly exciting one. As you read this update, you will see that God is indeed blessing our efforts in Australia, and throughout the region. Here in Australia we added almost 300 new subscribers to the mailing list during the month. Our Tomorrow’s World subscription list for the region is presently 15,670.
Please remember to pray that the seeds which are being sown through the telecast will fall on fertile soil. This is an opportunity for many at the ‘end of the age’ to read about the real God and learn how to apply His Laws in their personal lives.”
LCG’s Charles Bryce reported: “We are still fine tuning the attendance figures, but it looks like we’ll have a 6.2% increase over last year, which is very encouraging. Much of that growth is new people from the telecast, which points out, yet once again, the crucial need of doing the Work in a powerful way.”
— submitted by Robert Thiel
The question was asked by my sister-in-Christ whether or not we should observe Hanukkah, and what does it observe? I was unsure how to address this question, but started to research the topic of this festival. I just wanted to present a few facts that are pro and con on this subject.
In John 10:22, the Apostle John uses this festival, i.e. the Feast of Dedication, or Hanukkah, as a reference to an event that occurred in Jerusalem near Solomon’s porch. Jesus was noted to have just walked into the Temple in Solomon’s porch during these days and was quizzed by the Jews about who He was.
The Abingdon Bible Commentary, 1929, on page 1079, states, “The Feast of Dedication kept in remembrance the restoration of the services in the Temple in 165 B.C. by the Maccabees after three years’ desecration under the Syrian king, Antiochus Epiphanes.”
Barnes Commentary comments on this verse by saying, “The Feast of the Dedication — Literally, the feast of the renewing, or of the renovation. This feast was instituted by Judas Maccabaeus in the year 164 B.C. The temple and city were taken by Antiochus Epiphanes in the year 167 B.C. He killed 40,000 inhabitants, and sold 40,000 more as slaves. In addition to this, he sacrificed a sow on the altar of burnt offerings, and a broth being made of this, he sprinkled it all over the temple.
The city and temple were recovered three years afterward by Judas Maccabaeus, and the temple was purified with great pomp and solemnity. The ceremony of purification continued through eight days, during which Judas presented magnificent victims, and celebrated the praise of God with hymns and psalms (Josephus, Ant., b. xii. Ch. 11). “They decked, also, the forefront of the temple with crowns of gold and with shields, and the gates and chambers they renewed, and hanged doors upon them” I Maccabees 4:52-59.
In his account, it was called the feast of renovation or dedication. Josephus calls it the Feast of Lights, because the city was illuminated as expressive of joy. The feast began on the 25th day of Chisleu, answering to the fifteenth day of December. The festival continued for eight days, with continued demonstrations of joy.
It was winter. The feast was celebrated in the winter. The word here implies that it was cold, snowy, and inclement, and it is given as a reason why He [Christ] walked in Solomon’s porch.
During the Feast of Tabernacles mentioned in John 7:1-8, Jesus told His disciples, “Go ye up unto this Feast,” verse 8. Whereas, in John 10, there is no instruction to keep this feast. However, He was there, but whether this was for a religious reason or not is not stated.
We know that Hanukkah is not mentioned in Leviticus 23 as one of God’s Holy Days. Here, Israel was presented with the Feast days that He wanted them to observe.
We could make the comparison that if it was the Fourth of July, and Jesus Christ was an American living in our day, would He observe this day as the rest of us?
It is a good question in relation to this topic, because Hanukkah is like their Independence Day for the Temple, but is not a commanded feast in the Bible.
In other words, Hanukkah is like a national holiday for the Jews for the freeing of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem in 164 B.C., much like the Fourth of July is for us in America.
There is no command to observe it in the Word of God, but there is no command not to observe it either. The evidence presented from Leviticus 23 and history does not make it a commandment for us. I feel that it is our choice if we want to or not.
A point to consider is that many Jews observe the day as a substitute for Christmas, and we would not wish to have improper motives for our actions. One should always examine his motives. Just always remember to ask yourself “Why?”
If you wish to observe this day, I am sure that God has no issue in the matter, and you should do what you feel is proper. We are left with the choice to observe or not to observe these days due to the fact that there is a lack of evidence in the Word of God.
— by Doyle Carter
What is your price? A bowl of stew? A moment of desire? How little is the price you would put on the life of Jesus Christ?
A well-known minister was to preach a revival in Beattyville, Kentucky. Before he arrived, people put up posters with his picture on them, and telling of the event.
One day he rode Chester Deaton’s bus to Beattyville. He gave Chester a one-dollar bill and Chester gave him back the change.
The preacher discovered Chester had given him too much change. He thought to himself, “You’d better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it.” Then he argued, “Oh, forget it; it’s only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway, Chester already gets too much fare; he’ll never miss it. Accept it as a gift from God and keep quiet.”
At Beattyville he paused before he got off the bus, then handed the quarter to Chester saying, “Here. You gave me too much change.”
Chester replied with a smile, “Yes I know. You’re the preacher who’s holding the revival. I’ve heard a lot of talk about you. I’ve been thinking about coming to hear you tonight and bringing a bus load of people. But before I did I wanted to know what kind of person you really are. There are many preachers who say they’re preachers, but are not really called by God. A lot of so called preachers are not honest. When you got on my bus, I recognized you from your pictures on the posters around the county. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change.”
When the preacher stepped off the bus, he grabbed the nearest light pole, and held on, and said, “Oh, God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter!”
We all have our price, don’t we? Adam and Eve sold their opportunity for eternal life, not only for themselves but, for all mankind, for a nibble of forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6-24).
Esau sold his right to the family inheritance for a bowl of stew (Genesis 25:27-34). And Potiphar’s wife frequently challenged Joseph to sell his standing with God for a moment of sensual desire (Genesis 39:7-12).
A disciple of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot by name, sold his Master for thirty pieces of silver, and where did it get him? He couldn’t live with his guilt so went out and hanged himself (John 13:21-30; Mark 14:43-45; Matthew 27:3-5).
Will you sell Jesus? What is your price? A smutty joke? An obscene video? A booze party? Remember, you are the only Bible some people will read.
I asked, “Will you sell Jesus? What is your price?” More important is, Will I sell Jesus? What is my price?
— by Leslie A. Turvey
© Used by permission
Establishing the Children…
In I Peter 3:15, Peter tells us to “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” We need to be able to explain the reason for our faith, and the hope of eternal salvation for each of us. I call it the “hope that lies within.” The Bible speaks of other hopes that we have as human beings; hope for mercy, righteousness, and truth, hope in others, hope for our children, and our hope in God, and Jesus Christ. We also hope for happiness, peace, joy, love, and good health. God inspired John to write, “Beloved, I wish above all things that you mayest prosper and be in (good) health, even as thy soul prospereth,” III John 2.
As a parent and Sabbath School teacher, what is the hope that lies within me? Simply this — to be able to instill into children a sense of wonder, love, and trust for the Great God of the Universe, and His Loving Son. As parents and teachers, we want our children to come to know God, and learn to love Him, and His Son, Jesus. We hope that our children will want to serve God, and obey His Laws as they grow up and start making their own decisions. If children are taught these things when they are young, I truly believe they will remember them all the days of their life.
I was taught this wonder, love, and trust as a very young child, from my parents and grandparents. I believed then, and still do now, that God answers all our prayers, and that He can do anything. My parents and grandparents showed me how to get to know God, and depend on Him. They taught their children to love God, trust Him, and keep in touch with Him daily through their prayers. Neither my parents or grandparents were in the true Church of God at that time, but they were faithful in what they knew and believed. About ten years after God drew me into His Church, my parents begin asking me questions such as why and what I believed about the trinity, Sabbath, Holy Days, etc. They absorbed the truth very quickly, and were both baptized in a couple of months. You can imagine how thankful and grateful I was for this miracle; my parents who had taught me about God when I was young, came to me and asked me about “the hope that is in me,” and God allowed me to give them the precious truths of the Bible; a younger child teaching their parents about God. What a blessing!
My parents are both dead now, but the heritage they gave us lives on. My mother died a few years ago after a long bout with cancer. During her final days before her death, we spent a lot of time talking quietly to each other about God. Many nights she could not sleep because of the pain, so we would just sit together.
She talked about being in the Kingdom of God, and looking forward to seeing all of her children there. Her hope was that we would all continue in the faith, so we would all be together again. Even in her dying and death, she showed us how to completely trust God and depend on Him to answer all our prayers. As she died, my sister and I held her in our arms, and I whispered “See you in the Kingdom, Mom.” My father spoke about these same things, and we look forward also to seeing him in the kingdom.
There were other people who taught me about God, even though they themselves did not know His truths. I loved going to Sunday School, and the teachers were kind, loving, and made the lessons fun and alive. The best part I enjoyed was reading and learning about the people of the Bible. There was one special teacher who still stands out in my mind. She was so enthusiastic, happy, and loving. She had such a love for God. It just seemed to ooze out from her, and it was contagious. She made the stories come alive for us, and she taught us that God is very real, loving, merciful, and trustworthy. She was quick to praise us for each little thing we learned, and we were motivated to learn.
I received my first small Bible containing only the New Testament from her, and I devoured it from front to back many times until it was worn out. It inspired me to ask my parents for a complete one, and on my thirteenth birthday my parents presented me with a new white zippered complete Bible. (Does that bring back memories for anyone else?) I read, and reread that Bible until some of the pages literally fell out. Now one of my sons has it as a keepsake, one of the treasures I can leave with him.
I believe that God used these special people in my life to teach me about Him. I believe they had a hope inside them to be used by God to teach children, and others. That hope has been instilled in me, to teach children to love, trust, and obey God. I have been privileged to teach my children, and grandchildren, as well as many other children, all these things. I hope that one day they can say that I taught them well about loving, and trusting their Heavenly Father.
Does that hope lie within you? If so, don’t waste that hope. Let the God of Hope work through you to help children, and others learn His wonderful ways. Remember, we are teachers even when we aren’t really aware that others are listening, and watching us live our lives. Little children learn from us, and God is well pleased when we are teaching them the righteous way to live. Share the “hope that is in you” with others, and God will reward you with much in this life, and more in the life to come.
— by Shelby Faith
(Rearrange the letters to find a word found in the Bible. Answers on page 18)
1. yapr ____________________
2. dog ____________________
3. vee ____________________
4. usjes ____________________
5. pretnes ____________________
6. gdrena ____________________
7. nnnaoc ____________________
8. tip ____________________
9. army ____________________
10. somes ____________________
11. aglpsue____________________
12. deetsr ____________________
13. taco ____________________
14. nraao ____________________
15. haaroph ___________________
16. orhde ____________________
17. utrif ____________________
18. gaenl ____________________
19. jpesoh ____________________
20. aadm ____________________
21. rateh ____________________
22. viadd ____________________
23. ocjab ____________________
24. ademsr ____________________
— by Carol Kieler, age 14
Cedar Rapids , IA
Craft Ideas for Fall and Winter Fun
Seed Picture: Draw a simple picture on construction paper. Cover parts of the picture with seeds you have collected in the yard, or use Indian corn, pumpkin seeds, split peas, dried beans, and un-popped popcorn. Spread paste on one part of the picture at a time, and put one kind of seed on each part.
Outdoor Collage: Take a walk outside in the yard or go to a
nearby park Find leaves, acorns, small stones, bark and twigs, wild flowers and
other things. Use some of the collection to make a collage picture. Lay objects
on poster paper or cardboard, and move them around until you have it the way
you want it to look. Then tape or glue each object to the poster board.
Bean Garden: Soak a few dried lima beans (or other beans) in water overnight. Push some wet paper towels into a glass jar. Put the beans between the towels and glass. Set in a sunny place. Add a little water each day so the towels stay damp. Soon you will see little green bean sprouts.
From a Reader…
Israel, I love Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the salvation of Israel. The Lord bless the Jews. Please remember me in your prayers.
— by Clarence Mullett
(nursing home resident)
2186 Ambleside Drive
Cleveland, OH 44106
Video Review…
Surprising Discoveries: Jonathan Gray’s Video Series #3
This two hour and thirty-eight minute presentation is an improvement in presentation from the two previous Surprising Discovery Videos. Mr. Gray’s previous lecture-slide presentation has become greatly improved. You will still have to put up with a less than perfect reproduction and the pictures, both moving and still, leave much to be desired. Perhaps this is from the transfer from the original media to video format. Whatever the cause, do not let the quality deter your concentration on the message. This one is titled: Ark of the Covenant.
Ark of the Covenant will remind you of the search for the Ark in the movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford. The goal is the same. The presentation is stated at the beginning to be in four parts. However there is a long concluding remarks section.
Part One, The Covenant of Blood, begins by directly stating that not all available information will be presented because of restrictions placed by the host nation (Israel). You will see a good rendering of the Ark. Gray was skeptical about Ron Wyatt’s claim to have found the Ark, so he spent a lot of time checking. He discusses previous efforts to find the Ark and gives a brief review of the Bible account with some excellent artwork. Parts of God’s overall plan are included.
Part Two, The Search, begins with permission to excavate given to Wyatt. This is followed by shots of his “dig.” Old timers in the Church will remember “The Big Dig,” engaged in by Ambassador students. Anyone having traveled to Jerusalem will recognize many scenes.
Part Three, Secret Chamber, refers to the date October 10, 1995. Work was ordered to cease by an official. Prayer was offered. The official died, and work allowed to proceed. Gray suggests this was “answered prayer.”
Part Four, Surprise Under Skull Hill, continues with pictures of Jerusalem. You will notice that this presentation is a taped lecture in front of a live audience. The conclusions reached in this portion are so amazing that it is beyond words. You will have to see this to believe it! Form your own conclusions. Gray continues with God’s plan of salvation. Just remember this was done thirteen years ago.
To me this is a logical meeting of the Biblical accounts with some speculation thrown in about Jeremiah, coupled with the physical evidence which is presented.
Disregard the somewhat Protestant ending. You will find this to be either a truthful presentation, or the best fakery ever attempted. It concludes with a description of some other items found (with the Ark?) and gives reasons for the lack of complete publicity.
At the end, the surprise is the lengthy conclusion. What now? is asked. Events leading up to Christ’s return are discussed. A good presentation of the coming One World Government is made.
This is the best of the three reviewed so far. It remains to be seen if the next three are as powerful.
The six Jonathan Gray videos are available from the Sharing Library, PO Box 581, Granville, OH 43023 on the normal loan basis. A deposit of $35 is required for each video, which will be refunded upon return. The videos may also be purchased through the USA representative of Jonathan Gray:
Anchorstone, 103 B Street, Haines, FL 33844
— by William B. Scherer
Bible Scramble Answers:
(From page 16)
1. yapr pray
2. dog God
3. vee Eve
4. usjes Jesus
5. pretnes serpent
6. gdrena garden
7. nnnaoc Cannon
8. tip pit
9. army Mary
10. somes Moses
11. aglpsue plagues
12. deetsr desert
13. taco coat
14. nraao Aaron
15. haaroph Pharaoh
16. orhde Herod
17. utrif fruit
18. gaenl angel
19. jpesoh Joseph
20. aadm Adam
21. rateh heart
22. viadd David
23. ocjab Jacob
24. ademsr dreams