Appendix A -- Technical Notes

The following are technical notes explaining the condition and status of the original documents from which which Early Writings of Herbert W. Armstrong were transcribed. When the article was not dated, I have sometimes attempted to determine an approximate date.

What is Faith? was a typed article on legal sized paper, signed by Herbert W. Armstrong, with no date or address.

What Kind of Faith is Required for Salvation? was a typed article on legal sized paper. It was a reprint of the article in the May-June, 1941, Plain Truth.

Does God Heal Today? was originally published in Eugene, Oregon, without copyright. Except for spelling out all Bible references, this edition of "Does God Heal Today?" exactly conforms to the original. The printed booklet was about 4 by 9.25 inches, which became a standard format used by the Radio Church of God for many years. The address is Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon. A later edition was published on May 9, 1952, and registered in the name of the Radio Church of God in the United States Copyright Office on December 14, 1955. No renewal was found, according to an official search of copyright records. Under the law covering this period, the copyright expired 28 years after publication. Therefore, even the later publication is in the public domain.

Divorce and Remarriage is probably the most important article Herbert W. Armstrong wrote. According to an official search of copyright records, "Divorce and Remarriage," by Herbert W. Armstrong, was registered in the name of the Radio Church of God following its publication on August 24, 1953. No renewal was found. Therefore, this publication is in the public domain. Except for spelling out Bible references and very minor editing by Richard C. Nickels, this copy conforms exactly to the original.

Fundamentals of Belief, Radio Church of God probably dates from the late 1940s or early 1950s. Undoubtedly written by Herbert Armstrong, an earlier version of the fundamentals had only sixteen points. Items 12-15 were later added to form this newer version.

Did Christ Reorganize The Church? appeared as the lead article in The Good News of the Kingdom, formerly "The Bulletin," described as "a magazine of edification for the Church of God," Volume V, Number 1, February, 1939. Beginning on page four of the issue, April, 1939, is the date given on the header. The article was published on 8.5 x 14 inch paper, mimeographed. Other articles in this 13-page issue include "How God Works in Saving a Single Soul!" "A Heart-to-Heart Talk With the Editor," "Are You Being Tested on This Point?" "One Hundred Thousand Hear the Message Every Week," and "How to Be an Overcomer." In a box on page 11 of the issue is a notice: "GREAT CAMP MEETING to be held this Fall at Eugene. A Feast of Tabernacles Camp Meeting will be held at Eugene, Ore., September 27th to Oct. 5th, incl. Leading ministers are planning to come. Plan NOW to come, yourself, to this spiritual FEAST."

Which Day is the Sabbath of the New Testament? was a mimeographed article on legal sized paper. In 1952, it was made into a booklet.

The Sabbath A Perpetual Covenant appeared in the September 18, 1928 issue of The Bible Advocate, Vol. LXII, Number 37, with a byline of Portland, Oregon.

Does Easter Really Commemorate the Resurrection originally appeared in the July-August, 1938, Plain Truth magazine, and was later reprinted in the March-April, issues of 1942, 1943, and 1946. It is likely that Armstrong's earlier article, "Foundation for Sunday Sacredness Crumbles," is this same article, with a different name. This reproduction is from a mimeographed article on legal sized paper. The box under the title says it was a reprint from the March-April 1943 issue [of The Plain Truth].

The Plain Truth About Christmas was a printed booklet, about 4 by 9.25 inches, which became a standard format used by the Radio Church of God for many years. The address is Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon. The booklet expanded an article by the same title in the November, 1934, Plain Truth, and is very similar to the article in the December, 1948, Plain Truth. The November 29, 1946 issue of Our Co-Workers' Bulletin advertises this "special booklet."

When, and How Often Should We Observe the Lord's Supper? is represented in our files by two separately typed mimeographed legal sized articles, both with the address of Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

How to Figure Passover was a mimeographed legal sized article probably written in early 1940, for it has a 1940 calendar of Holy Days.

How to Figure Pentecost appeared in the June 8, 1943 The Good News Letter, Number 2. The article was printed on 7.5 x 12.5 inch paper, mimeographed, and was described as a "personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of God from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene." It was the only article of this Newsletter.

Beautiful Secluded Mountain Resort Taken Over for Feast of Tabernacles, describing Belknap Springs, appeared in a 1945 issue of The Good News Letter, which was mimeographed on legal sized paper. The address was Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

Do You Want the Baptism With Fire? Are You Sure You Know What It Is? was a mimeographed legal sized article.

Tongues: Is the Pentecost Experience Being Repeated Today? was a mimeographed legal sized article, in two separate versions. Originally, it appeared in the November, 1934, Plain Truth. The later reprint versions expanded on the original version. I have used the later version because of its use of "Holy Spirit" rather than "Holy Ghost." The Plain Truth and first reprint version state:

And is was upon that day of Pentecost, A.D. 31, ten days after Jesus had ascended to heaven to be glorified, that the Holy Ghost, the "other Comforter," God the SPIRIT, came from heaven!

The later version shows Herbert Armstrong's more mature understanding that God is not a Trinity, and a Monday Pentecost:

And is was upon that day of Pentecost, A.D. 31, eleven days after Jesus had ascended to heaven to be glorified, that the Holy Spirit, the "other Comforter," came from heaven!

Bible Study Quarterly. The Kingdom was a printed booklet, about 4 by 7 inches, published by the Radio Church of God, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

Bible Study Quarterly. The Truth About Israel was a printed booklet, about 4 by 7 inches, published by the Radio Church of God, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

The United States and Britain in Prophecy was Herbert Armstrong's most famous writing. Perhaps five million copies have been distributed around the world. Gerald Flurry says it was the most requested piece of literature the Worldwide Church of God ever produced. It has gone through numerous editions. Originally it was entitled, "The United States in Prophecy," then "The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy," and finally "The United States and Britain in Prophecy." Chapters 1-5 were serialized in five early issues of The Plain Truth (August-September, 1940; November-December, 1940; May-June, 1941; September-October, 1941; and, March-April, 1942). In the latter issue, a notice was given that chapters 6-7 would not appear in the magazine, but all seven chapters would be printed in a book entitled The United States in Prophecy. Armstrong, in the August-September Plain Truth, said that the booklet proves "our national identity as the HOUSE OF ISRAEL . . . Until you understand it, you can't understand the Bible. It is a KEY which unlocks the doors of Bible prophecy."

Armstrong wrote on the subject of Anglo-Israelism very early, even before his ordination to the ministry. He sent a 300-page typed manuscript about the United States and Britain in prophecy to the Church of God, Seventh Day, in Stanberry, Missouri to see what they would do with this "new truth." Andrew N. Dugger, the Church leader at the time, wrote Armstrong on July 28, 1929, with this response: "You are surely right, and while I cannot use it in the paper [Bible Advocate] at the present, you may be assured that your labor has surely not been in vain." Dugger acknowledged it to be true, but did nothing to promulgate it. This disappointed Armstrong, and made him wary of joining the Church of God, Seventh Day.

I have in my library a 1954 edition. The version published here is from the Philadelphia Church of God 1994 reprint of the 1945 edition, which is in the public domain (as was the five chapters in The Plain Truth), with a few brief statistics updates from the 1980 version. The 1945 edition was the fourth edition of the booklet. The 1954 edition was 26 pages, while the 1980 version, the last issued while Armstrong was alive, was a 192-page book. In 1987, the Worldwide Church of God reduced the book to only 53 pages, cutting out whole chapters, and altering some sections to give a different meaning.

In 1991, the booklet was withdrawn completely. Joseph Tkach, Jr., director of Church Administration, wrote a letter dated January 28, 1992, which stated: "We have removed The United States and Britain in Prophecy from circulation due to several problems. One of the most serious is that much of it was paraphrased from an earlier work, Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright, by J.H. Allen." Allen's book was written in 1902 and copyrighted in 1917. It is obvious that Armstrong borrowed many ideas from Allen. For example, page 71 of Allen's book says, "But the great bulk of Israelites are not Jews, just as the great bulk of Americans are not Californians, and yet all Californians are Americans." Page 82 of Armstrong's book (1967 edition) says, "But most Israelites are not Jews, just as most Americans are not Californians." Chapter II of Allen's book is entitled, "Race Versus Grace," in which he says on page 31, "Therefore, this question of election . . . is a question of Race, and not of Grace." Armstrong uses a section head entitle "Race, Not Grace," and on pages 34 and 36 (1967 edition), he says, "Birthright . . . confers only material possessions . . . not spiritual blessings. It is a matter of RACE, not grace!" There are other examples that indicate that Armstrong should have given J.H. Allen credit for much of his writing on the subject of Anglo-Israelism.

The Key to the Book of Revelation was a legal sized mimeographed article. The address was Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

The Importance of Fasting appeared as one of several sections in the July 7, 1948, issue of Our Co-workers' Bulletin, mimeographed on legal sized paper. The address was Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Pasadena, California.

Ten Simple Rules That Lead to Health appeared in the December 18, 1928 issue of The Bible Advocate, Vol. LXII, Number 50.

Can a Sabbath-Keeper Believe in Evolution? appeared as the lead article in the May 1, 1928 issue of The Bible Advocate, Vol. LXII, Number 18, printed at Stanberry, Missouri. At the end of the article is the location of the author: Portland, Oregon.

Editorial, February, 1934, Plain Truth appeared on page 5 of the first issue of the magazine. The lead article was "Is A World Dictator About to Appear?" Other articles were: "What is real Spiritual-Mindedness?" and "Questions and Answers."

Editorial, March, 1938, Plain Truth appeared on page 4 of the issue. Other articles were: "Events in Europe Move Swiftly toward World War," "Will Times get better? The real meaning of the DEPRESSION, and the present RECESSION, according to BIBLE Prophecies!"

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