April 10, 1943 Letter


Dear Radio Friends, As we are in the midst of mailing this issue, I have just received a letter from Radio Station WHO, Des Moines, canceling our contract with them, and shutting off our program on their station.

DO YOU WHAT TO CONTINUE TO HEAR "THE WORLD TOMORROW" PROGRAM OVER THIS GREAT SUPER-POWER STATION? Do you feel that America needs this program now, in this great crisis of our nation? If so, will you put everything else aside, this minute, and WRITE STATION WHO, DES MOINES, IOWA, AND TELL THEM SO?

The time is coming, SOON, when God's Truth will not be permitted to go out over the air. It is prophesied there shall soon be a "famine" of hearing the true word of the Eternal, Amos 8:11.

This war is a judgment sent upon our people by Almighty God. The prophecies of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah, Revelation -- of Jesus on Olivet -- by radio I broadcast the sure word of prophecy that God will not permit us to win this war UNLESS OUR PEOPLE REPENT OF THEIR WRONG WAYS OF LIVING, CONTRARY TO GOD'S WAYS, AND UNTIL WE TURN TO AND PUT OUR TRUST IN GOD!

We cannot win this war without SPIRIT to win -- and only God Almighty can impart that spirit. I am crying out, with all the power God gives, to this nation to AWAKEN, to put on the whole armor of God THAT WE MAY SPEEDILY WIN THIS WAR, and that God will quickly turn back the forces of evil that attack us. IF YOU THINK THIS PROGRAM NECESSARY AS PART OF AMERICA'S WAR EFFORT, WRITE AND TELL WHO SO! They write that they are shutting our program off the air "with the object of improving our service to listeners" and because "the war situation is bringing increasing demand "which" discourages our broadcasting of many of the religious programs that we now find on this station, for proper balance." I believe with all my heart that Almighty God opened W.H.O. to us, as the one most far-reaching channel for carrying the last warning message to America and to Canada. This station, at the hour we have, reaches out over more territory than any station in the U.S. It covers the entire North American continent AMERICA MUST BE WARNED! This station is VITAL to God's cause.

I believe all of our hundreds of thousands of listeners realize this vital necessity, and if you will lay everything aside, and shower WHO with letters and telegrams telling them how you feel about it, protesting their shutting such a vital program off the air, asking them to reconsider and to continue it, I believe it will have a great deal of weight.

And, will you PRAY EARNESTLY with me, that Almighty God will intervene? In any event, we shall add more and more radio stations in various parts of the country as rapidly as God makes possible -- but I KNOW it is not His will for this warning message to be shut off this one MOST FAR-REACHING radio station in America at this time. And if we ask Him according to His Will, He says He hears us, and we are to KNOW we have the petition we ask of Him.

I do not ask you to write this letter as a personal favor to me. But if you want, yourself, to continue to hear the program -- and if you want others to hear this most vital warning of this time -- if you feel it is VITAL, not only to God's cause, but to our War Effort, and to this whole nation, then I ask you to send a letter or a telegram in the strongest words you can write, expressing exactly how you feel about it, and do it AT ONCE -- every hour is VITAL! Unless God will intervene and cause them to reconsider, our last program will be broadcast April 4th. I am on my way now to Des Moines to do all I can personally ot hold this station.

Be sure to make your letter courteous, but as strong as you can Send your letter airmail, or special delivery -- if possible --or send a telegram. It is necessary to RUSH them. Mail it to Radio Station WHO, Des Moines, Iowa. Very Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,



Our Co-workers' BULLETIN
VOL. IV, Number 2 April 12, 1943

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon, to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of Co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.



GREETINGS, Friends and Co-Workers:

This is being written on the train, passing through Oklahoma en route from Des Moines to San Antonio, Texas. Tomorrow I hope, if God opens to us the opportunity, to sign a year's contract with super-power 50,000 watt nationally-cleared-channel WOAI, in San Antonio.

And surely God has been with us! Just before I left the Pacific Northwest on this present trip, the way suddenly opened so we could add the very fine and powerful station KVI, Tacoma, to our own Liberty Net-Work in the Northwest.

This gives us a VERY strong coverage in the Pacific Northwest, with KXL, 10,000 watts, Oregon's most powerful station, KVI, Tacoma, KRSC, Seattle, and KGA, Spokane, now 10,000 watts -- all carrying the Message at 8:30 Sunday mornings. These four strong stations give us a really large audience in the Pacific Northwest.

I had just arrived in Hollywood and had contracted with KMTR to broadcast daily Monday through Friday at 5:15 P.M., in addition to our Sunday morning broadcast at 9:30, when a long distance call from our office in Eugene brought me the stunning news that station WHO had canceled their contract and we would be off the air on that super-power station after two more broadcasts. . . .

But God intervened, and the vital warning Message and the true Gospel of the Kingdom still goes out over WHO! Truly, this is GOD'S work, and He is able to protect it, to preserve it, and to prosper it.


Out of this experience in nearly losing WHO, comes knowledge of a powerful, concerted movement to abolish Gospel from the air waves. A heavy pressure is being exerted upon radio stations to take this step -- and, as the devil always works, it is done as a monstrous piece of deceit, under pretense of being the only RIGHT and HONORABLE things to do.

The argument is put up to ratio station managers and owners, that they should not commercialize religion. It is made to appear to be doing wrong to sell time for religious broadcasts. The argument is, that each station should GIVE time, without cost, for religion.

But, if they are going to give the time, they cannot give it to just anybody, for there would be such a demand that the stations would have no time left to SELL. Consequently, it is proposed, in order to give the time fairly and equitably, it should be given only to the big ORGANIZATIONS, divided between the recognized organizations of Protestants, Catholics, and Jews. Now that means, so far as "Protestant" is concerned, the Federated Council of Churches in New York, a Modernist body that even rejects the blood of Christ!

MOST of the larger, super-power radio stations of America ALREADY subscribe to this view, and have adopted it as a policy. I relied that if Jesus Christ were here preaching today, as He as 1900 years ago, that policy would SHUT JESUS OFF THE AIR -- and it is just as certainly shuts HIM and HIS true Message off the air today! . . .

The thing I wish all our co-workers to understand is that OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED for preaching over the air the true Gospel, and warning AMERICA of the prophecies concerning this war, and our NEED OF ALMIGHTY GOD TO WIN.

We are getting very near the time prophesied, when there shall be a FAMINE of hearing the Word of God. Soon all true preaching will be SHUT OFF! Programs advertising cigarettes, beer, and merchandise will continue on -- but under the pretext of "NOT COMMERCIALIZING RELIGION" the TRUTH OF GOD will be shut off entirely, by men! Even today many regard radio programs filled with wisecracks and silly nonsense, as "BIG-TIME" stuff -- as very IMPORTANT. But a program warning this nation of its need of GOD, a program proclaiming God's TRUTH about life, the way to happiness and to eternal life -- that is regarded as foolishness and nonsense which ought not to be permitted on the air -- not by all radiomen, but by many.


What are WE going to do about it? Are we going to AWAKEN to this crisis, and RESPOND with our tithes and offerings, EVEN TILL IT HURTS -- and with our fervent, earnest, heart-rending PRAYERS? If we will do that, the glorious Gospel, and the solemn WARNING may yet be sounded in such power, that ALL AMERICA IS SHAKEN, AND AWAKENED! I do NOT ask you to start writing protests to radio stations. At least not yet. To tell you the truth, it may have been a mistake to ask some of our listeners to write WHO. I do not know how many letters and telegrams they received, but it MUST HAVE BEEN MANY, because the man at the radio station who receive them did not like it. I believe God worked it out to keep us on the station IN SPITE of our mutual efforts in that regard. I find radio stations pay little or no attention to letters of that kind, when they are requested, or "inspired" as they term it. It is better to just PRAY -- and pray hard and earnestly. Remember we are carrying on GOD'S WORK. He is able to protect and preserve His work. Jesus said, "This Gospel of the Kingdom SHALL be preached in all the world" at this time, and God will open the way. Our part is to pray, to sacrifice of our offerings -- large, liberal, generous offerings, in addition to tithes -- and to keep at it day and night, until our God-given mission is fulfilled. . . .

This old world is about DONE! It's crashing down, now, to oblivion. Soon God's NEW ORDER, the Kingdom of God, will appear. But, God holds us responsible in the meantime for SHOUTING THIS LAST WARNING MESSAGE. God helping us, I know of no one else WARNING this nation that prophecy says we shall LOSE this war, UNLESS we repent and turn to God and put our trust in HIM! The true Gospel (Good News) of the coming Kingdom of GOD must, now, be proclaimed. Already we are reaching a vast audience of half a million or more people every week with this MESSAGE. BUT there are 130 millions in America alone! We must add more and more radio stations. We must PRESS ON! This is OUR BATTLE -- OUR contribution and SOLEMN DUTY to the WAR EFFORT, as well as to our God! We know, from Bible prophecy, that all the war bonds, the battleships, the planes, tanks, guns, and men this nation can muster will not be enough WITHOUT GOD! The people must be made to realize it! It's the way, and ONLY way, to WIN THIS WAR! Yes, it's OUR BATTLE, and our DAYS ARE NUMBERED!

The past three weeks offerings have slacked off. I need an extra thousand or fifteen hundred dollars, by return mail, and the need is URGENT!

And so I send you this urgent appeal. STAND BY ME! Keep on the FIRING LING FOR GOD, and COUNTRY! Help me multiply the power of the work of God! Let's sacrifice material things that this SPIRITUAL Message may reach the MILLIONS, with mighty POWER! It's time, my friends and co-workers, that we were AROUSED to the SERIOUSNESS of this situation. We may have perhaps another year -- perhaps another 18 months to complete the work God has called us to and committed to our trust.

If some of you are in position to send offerings of anywhere from a hundred to a thousand dollars or more, send them at once, by return mail! Never were they so needed as now. Whether the widow's mite, or even a contribution of many thousands of dollars, -- whatever YOUR capacity and ability, even at sacrifice -- get it into GOD'S WORK as quickly as you can. God bless you! I know our Co-workers will not fail the work now!

Sincerely, and in faith,

Herbert W. Armstrong

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