
March 1935


Address news letters to Herbert W. Armstrong, editor,

at 560 Fourth Ave., West, Eugene, Ore.





The most solemn and sacred occasion of the year, the observance of the Lord’s Supper, will take place on Tuesday night, April 16th. This is the eve, or beginning of Abib 14th of the sacred calendar, which is April 17th.

Jeans, Alvadore, and Eugene churches will combine for the occasion, meeting at the home of the editor in Eugene, at 560 Fourth Avenue, West. The editor will officiate, assisted by the deacons, E. E. Fisher, and W. M. Conn.

Elder Ray will officiate at Oregon City, Elder Stewart at Salem, and Elder Severson at Harrisburg.  We are unable to announce the places of meeting in these cities, but the brethren at each place will probably know, or can learn, where to go.

Let all the brethren examine themselves, being sure that none partake of this sacred ordinance unworthily. If any feels unworthy, the Word does not excuse him from taking the supper, but rather: “Let a man EXAMINE himself, and so let him EAT of that bread, and DRINK of that cup.” All are COMMANDED to observe it. Let us seek the Lord very earnestly.


The Annual Sabbath Days


In connection with the Lord’s Supper, or Passover, comes the SEVEN DAYS of UNLEAVENED BREAD, with the two annual holy days, or Sabbaths.

All brethren should put all leaven out of their houses during this period.

April 17th, or the period from sun-set Tuesday night until sunset Wednesday night, is the Passover and the Preparation for the annual High Day Sabbath. See John 19:14, 31. April 18th, beginning Wednesday sunset until Thursday sunset, is the 15th of Abib — the annual “high day Sabbath.”

“In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have an HOLY CONVOCATION”: (the annual “high day” Sabbath of John 19:31): “ye shall do no servile work therein ... in the seventh day is an HOLY CONVOCATION: ye shall do no servile work therein” Leviticus 23:5-8.

“And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread ... by an ordinance FOREVER,” Exodus 12:17. “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us KEEP THE FEAST,” I Corinthians 5:7, 8. The “feast” is the annual holyday. See margin.

The Church of God in the first century DID observe the entire seven days of unleavened bread, Acts 20:6, 12:3, 4. Therefore we must, today. They also continued to observe the other annual Sabbaths. (Acts 20:16; 18:21; I Corinthians 16:8; Acts 27:9, see margin — Day of Atonement.)

Since all these annual Sabbath days were commanded to be kept FOREVER, and since I Corinthians 5:8 commands the NEW Testament Church to KEEP the coming annual “high day” Sabbath, or “feast,” and since SEVEN DIFFERENT NEW TESTAMENT TEXTS show the Church of God under Paul’s supervision DID observe them, WE SHOULD DO IT NOW!

The fact that some of us have not “seen” this in the past will not excuse us before such plain instruction in the Bible, any more than the fact that Sunday people never kept the Sabbath or “saw” it in the past will justify them in continuing in profaning the weekly Sabbath, after the light of God’s Word has come. Let US be as honest as we think others should be!

Many have believed Colossians 2:16 abolishes the annual Sabbaths, but it does not. The “Sabbaths” here spoken of are the WEEKLY Sabbaths! Honestly study those texts, describing the MEAT AND DRINK OFFERINGS held ON THE annual Sabbaths, monthly new moons, and weekly Sabbaths:  Numbers 28:3-4, 9-10, 11, 16-17; 26-27; 29:1-2; 7-9; 12-14. Then, I Chronicles 23:31; II Chronicles 2:4; 8:13; 31:3; Nehemiah 10:33; Ezekiel 45:17; Colossians 2:17. You will see that ALL these texts speak of the MEAT AND DRINK OFFERINGS held ON the annual, the monthly, and the weekly days. Now notice marginal reference for word “respect” in Colossians 2:16. It says “part.” The Greek word is morei and lexicons define it as “sacrificial meat part.” So this text is only abolishing MEAT AND DRINK ORDINANCES held on these days.

Let us praise God for the TRUTH! Let all the brethren put all leaven out of their houses beginning Wednesday evening, April 17th, until sunset Wednesday April 24th. Let all cease work on the two “high” Sabbaths, Thursday April 18th, and Wednesday April 24th, beginning sunset the night before. Many have not done this in the past. It is hoped all will be DOERS of this truth not profaning ANY of God’s HOLY DAYS!