Memories of Jerusalem - Origin of the name - Situation of the city - First impressions of its splendor - Approach from the Mount of Olives - The walls of Jerusalem - Tower of Antonia - Hills on which the city was built -The streets - Principal buildings - Synagogues - Jewish tradition about the "Shushan Gate" and the arched roadway from the Temple to the Mount of Olives - Lunar station on the Mount of Olives - Lavatories and booths - Approach to the Temple - Extent of the Temple plateau - General appearance of the Temple - Rabbinical legends about Jerusalem and the Temple - Ruins of ancient Jerusalem; their depth below the present level.


The principal entrances from the west into the Temple - The "Royal Bridge" over the Tyropoeon Valley - Its proportions and architecture - "The porches" of the Temple - The "Royal Porch" - Its name and dimensions - View from the top of the colonnade - Christ among the doctors of the law - Solomon's Porch - The Court of the Gentiles - Marble screen with tablets warning off Gentiles - The Chel or terrace of the Temple - Gates into the inner courts - The "Beautiful Gate" - The Court of the Women - The thirteen Treasury-chests or "trumpets" - Chambers and side courts - The Gate of Nicanor - The fifteen steps of "Ascent," or of the Levites - The Court of Israel - The Court of the Priests Chambers connected with it - The "Beth Moked"---The hall of hewn stones -Description of the Temple in the Mishnah - The altar of burnt-offering - Red line around the middle of it - Arrangements for sacrificing - The laver - The water supply of the Temple - Its drainage - Proportions of the Holy House itself - The Porch - The Holy Place - The Most Holy Place - Silence of the Rabbis about Herod - The disciples pointing out the Temple.buildings to the Master - May any of the Temple spoils be still existent?


Comparison of the first and second Temple - What was wanting in the latter - "Without the Gate" - Different degrees of sanctity attaching to different localities - Ordinances enforcing due reverence in the Temple - "Provide neither gold," "nor scrip," "neither shoes, nor yet staves" - Punishment of high-handed profanity - "Death by the hand of God" and "cutting off" - "Anathema Maranatha" - The punishment of "the rebels beating" - The "forty stripes save one," and how administered - Need of strict discipline from the size of the Temple and the number of worshippers - The revenues of the Temple - Things dedicated and free gifts - The Temple tribute - How collected - Discount allowed to be charged by the money-changers - Computed annual amount of Temple tribute - Amount of contributions from the Jews of "the dispersion" - How the Temple revenues were employed - Splendor of the Temple services - The hymnody of the Temple - References to it in the Book of Revelation - Singing in the Temple - Threefold blast of the priests' trumpets - Instrumental music in the Temple -Antiphonal singing - Remnants of Temple music


Priests "obedient to the faith" - Those who were prevented from going up in their course prayed and fasted in their synagogues - The institution of the priesthood - The two ideas of reconciliation and holiness - Arrangement of the priests into twenty-four courses - How their number was made up after the return from Babylon - Arrangement of the Levites into twenty-four courses - Duties of the Levites in the Temple - The Sabbath law in the Temple - Arrangement of the courses on duty - The law opposed to all priestly pretensions - "Learned" and "unlettered priests" - Value attached to learning - The high-priests - Their succession - Age and qualifications for the priestly office - High-priests "by anointing" and high-priests "by investiture" -Dress of the high-priest - Illustrations of New Testament allusions - Were phylacteries at the time of Christ universally worn?--The various officials among the priesthood - The "elders of the priests" or "honorable councilors" - The twenty-four sources whence the support of the priesthood was derived


Sacrifices the center of the Old Testament dispensation - Symbols and Types - Antisacrificial views of Rabbinism - Substitution: the fundamental idea of sacrifice - The sacrifice when God first entered into covenant-relationship with Israel - After that all sacrifices either in communion, or for communion with God - Bloody and unbloody sacrifices - General requisites of all sacrifices - Animals used for sacrifices - Public and private; most holy and less holy sacrifices - Acts belonging to the offerer, and priestly acts - Mode of offering sacrifices - Imposition of hands and confession - Waving - The sprinkling of the blood - Different modes of it - Other sacrificial rites - Meaning of the burning of the sacrifice - Views of the ancient Synagogue about sacrifices - Modern Jewish sacrifice on the Day of Atonement


Internal connection of the Old Testament Progress in its prophecies - Messianic interpretation of the ancient Rabbis - The burnt-offering: its meaning and character--How offered - The only sacrifice lawful to non-Israelites - The Sin Offering- Differences between it and the trespass-offering - Public and private, fixed and varying, outer and inner sin offerings - The sin-offering differing according to the theocratic position of the offerer - Its blood sprinkled - The sacrificial meal - The trespass offering for a certain, and that for a doubtful trespass - Its meaning - The peace offering: its meaning - How and where offered - "Waving" and "Heaving" - What offerings were "waved" - The various meat offerings - How offered - Need of a large number of officiating priests for all these services



The allusions to Temple minutiae in the writings of St. John - Reference to the burning of the garments of those asleep on Temple-guard at night - Was there an evening service in the Temple? - Time and duration of the morning sacrifice - Time and duration of the evening sacrifice - At night in the Temple - Parting salutation of the priests on the Sabbath in Closing the Temple gates - Custody of the keys - The evening meal - Arrangement of accounts for meat-offerings sold during the day - The Temple-guard at night - Division of the night into watches - Rounds made by the "captain of the guard" - Unexpected summons to prepare for the service - The bath - Priestly inspection of the Temple - Casting of the lot for the services of the morning - "The sky is lit up as far as Hebron"


Was public prayer offered in the Temple? - Rabbinical views on the subject of prayer - Eulogies - Prayers of celebrated Rabbis - The Lord's Prayer - The people respond in the Temple by a benediction, not by an Amen - Attitude in prayer - Two elements in prayer - The Eulogy and the Tephillah - Prayer symbolized by the burning of incense - Zacharias offering this service in the Holy Place - Morning service of the priests on whom the first lot had fallen - The preparation of the altar of burnt-offering - The second lot - The daily sacrifice, and how it was offered - The altar of incense is cleansed and the candlestick dressed - The sacrifice is cut up -The third and fourth lots are cast - Prayer of the priests - Service of burning the incense - "Silence" in the Temple - Prayers of priests and people - Burning the sacrifice on the altar - The priest's blessings - The drink-offering accompanied by Temple music -The Evening Service -Order of Psalms for each day in the week


Meaning and object of the Sabbaths - Rabbinical ordinances of Sabbath observance, and their underlying principles - Differences between the schools of Hillel and Shammai - "The eve of the Sabbath" - Commencement of the Sabbath, how announced - The renewal of the shewbread - When and how it had. been prepared - The table of shewbread - How the bread was arranged upon it - Service of the priests in removing the old and putting on the new shewbread - Meaning of the shewbread - The Sabbath service in the Temple - Sabbatical years - Rabbinical ordinances on the subject - Scriptural ordinances - Were debts wholly remitted, or only deferred on Sabbatical years? - The "Prosbul" - Rabbinical evasions of the Divine law - Sabbath observance by the Savior


The number seven as determining the arrangement of the sacred year - The three festive cycles of the year - Difference between the moed and the Chag. - Three general characteristics of the great feasts - Post-Mosaic festivals and fasts - Duty of appearing three times a year in the Temple - The "stationary men" Israel's representatives in the Temple - Their duties - The Hebrew year lunar - Necessity of introducing leap-years - How the appearance of the New Moon was officially ascertained and announced - "Full" and "imperfect" months - New Year's Day - Origin of the Hebrew names of the months - The "civil" and the "sacred" year - Jewish era - Division of the day and of the night - Jewish calendar


Difference between the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread - Threefold reference of the Passover to nature, history, and grace - Time of the Passover - Meaning of the term Pesach - Difference between the so-called "Egyptian" and the "Permanent Passover" - Mention in Scripture of seasons of Paschal observance - Number of worshippers in the Temple at the Passover - Preparations for the feast - The first and the second Chagigah - The "eve of the Passover" - Search for, and removal of, all leaven - What constituted leaven - Commencement of the feast on the forenoon of the 14th Nisan - At what hour it became duty to abstain from leaven, and how it was intimated - Selection of the Paschal Lamb - At what hour it was slain - Division of the offerers into three companies - Mode of sacrificing the Paschal Lamb - The singing of the "Hallel" - Why it was called the Egyptian Hallel - How the lambs were prepared after sacrifice - The disciples preparing the Passover for the Master


Jewish traditions about the Paschal season - Present observances of the Paschal Supper - Ancient usages continued in our own days - How the Paschal Lamb was roasted - Reason of this ordinance - Christ linking His own Supper to the Paschal Feast - The Paschal Lamb specially typical of the Savior - How the guests sat at the Supper - The use of wine absolutely incumbent - Rabbinic story about the cup of blessing - The service of the Paschal Supper - The Passover Lamb, the Unleavened Bread, and the Bitter Herbs - The Aphikomen - The first cup and the blessing over it - Washing of hands - Two different kinds of ceremonial washing - The bitter herbs are eaten - Questions by the youngest at table, and instruction given him by the head of the house - The first part of the "Hallel" is sung - The second cup and the breaking of unleavened cakes - The sop - The Paschal Supper itself - The third or cup of blessing - Concluding portion of the "Hallel" - Did our Lord eat the Passover Supper on the night of His betrayal? - Institution of the Lord's Supper


Duration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and origin of its name - The Passover a remembrance of Israel's deliverance from bondage, rather than of that bondage - Observance of the 15th Nisan - Offerings for that day-The Chagigah - The Lord's betrayal into the hands of the Gentiles - His condemnation by the Sanhedrim - The death on the Cross about the time the evening incense was offered - At the time of the descent from the Cross a procession across Kedron to prepare for cutting down the Passover sheaf - By whom, where, and with what formalities this was done - How the omer was prepared for presentation on the 16th Nisan in the Temples - The last day of the Passover - The intervening days, or Moed Katon - The Feast of Pentecost - Its historical reference - Various names of the feast, its observance in the Temple - Sacrifices - The "Hallel" chanted to the accompaniment of the flute - The presentation of the two wave-loaves with their accompanying sacrifices - How the wave-loaves had been prepared - Their shape and weight - Why these loaves were leavened - The waving of the two live lambs - Conclusion of the services - Meaning of the Feast of Pentecost - The outpouring of the Holy Spirit


The Feast of Tabernacles, a harvest feast pointing to the final harvesting of the Church - Names of the feast - Significance of its occurrence on the 15th day of the seventh month, and after the Day of Atonement - The three characteristics of the Feast of Tabernacles - This feast peculiarly commemorative of Israel being strangers and pilgrims in the earth - The dwelling in booths - Rabbinical ordinances about their structure - The worshippers carrying the Aethrog and the Lulav in the Temple - Sacrifices for the Week of Tabernacles - The characteristic number seven appears in them - Daily diminution in the number of bullocks offered - Services in the Temple - Solemn procession to Siloam to fetch water - Decoration of the altar with willow branches - Pouring of the water carried from Siloam - Opposition of the Sadducees to this practice - Singing of the "Hallel" - The waving of the Lulav while singing certain portions of Psalm 118. - Reference of this Hosanna to Christ on the day of His entrance into Jerusalem - Procession of the priests in the Temple and circuit of the altar--Repetition of this seven times on the last day of the feast, the Day of the Great Hosanna--Christ in the Temple crying, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink" - The words of Christ: "I am the light of the world" - Their probable reference to the Temple illumination at the Feast of Tabernacles - Description of the Temple illumination - Order of Psalms sung at the Feast of Tabernacles - Reference to this feast in the Book of Revelation - The Feast of Tabernacles the only unfulfilled type of the Old Testament


Observance of the New Moon - How its appearance was determined - The blowing of trumpets and its meaning - Sacrifices on New Moon's Day - Rabbinical superstitions connected with these days - Number of priests officiating in the Temple - Whether and what special prayers were said - The New Moon of the seventh month, the "day of blowing," or New Year's Day - Special sacrifices on that day - Order of Psalms sung - Rabbinical notions as to the judgment pronounced on that day - Their interpretation of the blowing of trumpets - On New Year's Day the horn blown - Rabbinical traditions on the subject- he "benedictions" on New Year's Day - New Year's Day in the time of Ezra - Possible allusion to it in Ephesians. 5:8,14


How "the commandment" bears testimony to its inherent "weakness and unprofitableness" - Specially so in the services of the Day of Atonement - Peculiar solemnity of that day -Its name in significance of its occurrence on the 10th day of the seventh month and previous to the Feast of Tabernacles - The high-priest officiating in a peculiar white dress - Symbolical meaning of this -Threefold sacrifices of that day - Their order - Number of priests employed - The high-priest prepares for the Day of Atonement seven days before its occurrence, and takes up his abode in the Temple -The night of the fast - The high-priest himself performs all the day's services - How often he changed his raiment and washed his body, or else his hands and feet -The ordinary morning service - The high-priest puts on his linen garments for the first time - The sin-offering for the high-priest and his family - Confession over it - The ineffable name of.Jehovah is ten times pronounced on that day - mode of casting the lot over the two goats - The two are really one sacrifice - A tongue-shaped piece of scarlet cloth is tied to the horn of the goat for Azazel - This goat standing before the people, waiting till their sins should be laid upon him - Confession of sin for the priesthood, and sacrifice of the bullock - The high-priest enters the Most Holy Place for the first time to burn the incense - Prayer of the high-priest on coming out - The high-priest enters the Most Holy Place a second time with the blood of the bullock - And a third time with that of the goat for Jehovah - The sprinkling towards the veil of the altar of incenses and of that burnt-offering - The high-priest lays the personal sins and the guilt of the people on the so-called "scape-goat" - Peculiar mode of confession over it - The goat is led away into the wilderness - And pushed over a precipice - Meaning of the scape-goat - Reference to the coming of Christ, as He "who would take away sin" - Meaning of the expression la-.Azazel - The high-priest's reading and prayers in the Court of the Women---The high-priest puts on the golden garments to offer the festive, burnt, and other sacrifices - He again puts on his linen garments to enter the Most Holy Place for the fourth and last time - On the afternoon of the days dance and song of the maidens of Jerusalem in the vineyards - Views of the Synagogue about the Day of Atonement


Object of these feasts - The Feast of Purim - Its origin and time - Was it ever attended by the Lord? - Services on the Feast of Purim - When and how the Megillah was read - Modern ceremonials - The Feast of the Dedication of the Temple - Its origin and duration - The "Hallel" sung on each day of its duration, the people carried palm branches, and there was a grand illumination of the Temple and of private houses - Suggestion that the date of Christmas was taken from this feast - Practice as to the illumination - The Feast of the Wood-offering on the last of the nine seasons of the year, when such offerings were brought in the Temple - Rabbinical accounts of its origin - Maidens dance in the vineyards on the afternoon of that day - Fasts, public and private - Memorial fasts - The four great fasts mentioned in Zechariah 8. - Mode of observing public fasts


Symbolical meaning of Levitical defilements and purifications - The purification of the Virgin Mary in the Temple - Defilement by contact with death - Six degrees of defilement - Sacrifice of the red heifer - Preservation of its ashes, and use of them in purification - Symbolical meaning of this purification - Analogy between the red heifer, the scape-goat, and the living bird let loose in cleansing the leper - Why was the heifer wholly burnt? - Meaning of the use of the ashes of the red heifer - Rabbinical tradition about Solomon's ignorance of the meaning of this rite - Selection of the red heifer - Ceremonial in its sacrifice and burning - Selection of one so free from suspicion of defilement as to administer this purification - Children kept in special localities for that purpose - Ceremonial connected with the purification - How many red heifers had been offered from the time of Moses - Symbolical meaning of leprosy - Lepers admitted to special places in the synagogue - How the priests were to examine and pronounce judgment on leprosy - Explanation of Leviticus 13:12, 13 - Two-fold rites in restoring the healed leper - First, or social stage of purification - Second stage after seven days' seclusion - The rites to be observed in it - Rabbinical account of the service - The meat-offering at the purification of a wife suspected of adultery - Symbolical meaning of it - The priest warns the woman of the danger of perjury - The words of the curse written upon the roll, washed in water from the laver - This mixture, with dust of the sanctuary, drunk by the woman - In what cases alone the Rabbis allowed this trial - How the accused appeared dressed in the Temple - How she had to drink the bitter water - Divine judgments upon the guilty - Cessation of this rite shortly after the death of our Lord - Remarks of the Mishnah recording this fact


The lawfulness of vows - Difference between the Neder and the Issar - General characteristics of the Nazarite's vow- - Rabbinical ordinances on vows - Their binding character "Persons" or "things" vowed - Their disposal - Rabbinical protests against rash vows - A story of Simeon the Just - Frequency of vows in later times, and traffic in them - Derivation of the term Nazir - Spiritual meaning of the Nazarite's vow - Divine ordinances in regard to it - The Nazarite compared with the priest - Duration of the vow - A "perpetual Nazarite" and a "Samson Nazarite" - Rabbinical ordinances - The sacrifices of the Nazarite, and the ritual in the Temple - St. Paul "at charges" - The offering of first-fruits - Biccurim and Terumoth - On whom incumbent - Amount of them - The "first of the fleece" and "the first of the dough" - General amount of religious contributions due from every Israelite - The presentation of the first-fruits, an act of family religion - Its meaning - The setting apart of the first-fruits in field or orchard - Solemn procession to Jerusalem - Reception at Jerusalem - Service in the Temple - References to the "first-fruits" in the New Testament