Notes on Mark 14:51, 52.
This Is From The Companion Bible.

Mark 14:51, 52.

   51.  °And there °followed Him °a certain young man, having a °linen cloth °cast °about his °naked body ; and °the young men laid hold on him:
   52.  And he °left °the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

   51. And there followed, etc. This is a Divine supplement, peculiar to Mark's Gospel.

   followed = was following.

   a certain young man = one particular young man. That this might be lazarus, is probable: (1) because the Lord had returned to Bethany each preceding night of that week; (2) because Lazarus would be looking out; (3) because of the linen robe, betokening his social position; (4) and especially because he was wanted: "The cheif priests consulted that they might put Lazarus to death" (John 12:10). None of the apostles was arrested. Peter (though suspected) and another (John 18:15) were unmolested; (5) his name not given here by Divine guidance, because Lazarus was probably still alive, and therefore in danger.

   linen cloth. Greek sindon = a linen cloak (so called probably from Indos = Indian).

   cast about = having clothed [himself]; as in Matthew 6:29 (arrayed), 31; 25:36, 38, 43. Mark 16:5. Luke 12:27; 23:11. John 19:2. Acts 12:8.

   about = upon. Greek epi Appendix 104. ix. 1.

   naked. Without waiting to put on all his robes.

   the young men: that is to say, the soldiers; as in 2 Samuel 2:14. Genesis 14:24.

   52. left, etc. = leaving behind ... fled.

   the linen cloth = the sindon.

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