notes on Genesis 6:9
This Is From The Companion Bible.

Genesis 6:9

   9. THESE are °THE GENERATIONS OF NOAH: Noah was a just °man and °perfect in °his generations, and Noah °walked with °God.

THE GENERATIONS. Hebrew tol edoth = family history.

man = Hebrew 'ish. See Appendix 14. ii.

perfect. Hebrew tamim, without blemish as to breed or pedigree. See Appendix 26. All flesh corrupted but Noah's family. See verses 11,12.

his generations: those who were then alive: Noah's contemporaries. Hebrew dor, (not tol edoth, as at beginning of the verse).

walked. walk to and fro; why not literally as with Adam befor Fall? 2:19 and 3:8. Hebrew = walked habitually.

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