The Sequence of Events Following the Lord's Resurrection.
This Is Appendix 166 From The Companion Bible.

   The order of these events in the Four Gospels is partly independent and partly supplementary, taking up the narrative at different points of time. They may be set out as follows :-

The observation of the women where and how the body laid. 27:61 15:47 23:55  
The preparation of the spices by the women from Galilee on the eve of the High Sabbath.     23:56-  
Their rest according to the Commandment (Leviticus 23:7) Appendix 156.     23:-56  
The visit of the women at the close of the weekly Sabbath, on "the first day of the week". 28:1 16:1, 2 24:1 20:1-
"Who shall roll us away the stone?"   16:3    
The stone already rolled away. 28:2 - 4      
They find the stone rolled away.   16:4, 5 24:2 20:-1
Address of the angel to the women. 28:5 - 7 16:6, 7 24:3 - 7  
Departure of the women. 28:8 16:8 24:8, 9  
They meet the Lord. 28:9, 10      
And tell His disciples, and Peter.   16:9 - 11 24:10, 11 20:2 (oun)
The report of the watch. 28:11 -15      
The visit of Peter and John.     24:12 20:3 - 10 (oun)
Mary's visit to the sepulchre.       20:11 - 18
The appearing to the two going to Emmaus.   16:12 (meta tauta) 24:13 - 32  
Their return to the eleven.   16:13 24:33 - 35  
The first appearance of the Lord to the eleven.     24:36 - 44 20:19 - 23
The FIRST COMMISSION.     24:45 - 49  
The second appearance to the eleven (and Thomas).   16:14 (husteron)   20:24 - 29
The SECOND COMMISSION.   16:15 - 18    
[Parenthetic statement by the Evangelist].       20:[30, 31]
Departure of the eleven into Galilee. 28:16 - 18      
The THIRD COMMISSION. 28:19, 20      
The appearance to the seven in Galilee.       21:1 - 23 (meta tauta)
The Ascension and after.   16:19, 20 24:50 - 53  
[Closing statement of the Evangelist].       21:[24, 25]

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