The Synonymous Words for "Poor" etc
This Is Appendix 127 From The Companion Bible.

  1. ptochos = destitute, and in want: always rendered "poor" : except in Luke 16:20, 22 (beggar); Galatians 4:9 (beggarly); James. 2:2 (poor man).
  2. penes = poor, as opposed to rich. Occurs only in 2Corinthians 9:9.
  3. praus = meek, as distinguished from passionate. Occurs only in Matthew 5:5; 21:5; 1Peter 3:4.

   These words are used in the Septuagint interchangeably for the same Hebrew word; but the contexts show that they are all used for the same class, videlicit, the fellahin, or poor of an oppressed country, living quite lives under tyrannical and oppressive rulers; and suffering deprivation from tax-gatherers and lawless neighbours.

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