The Eight Beatitudes of Matthew 5, and The Eight Woes of Matthew 23.
This Is Appendix 126 From The Companion Bible.

   The eight Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12 are best understood and interpreted by the eight contrasts, or "Woes" of 23:13-33. The comparison shows that 5:10-12 form one (the eighth) Beatitude, having one subject (persecution) corresponding with the eighth Woe of 23:29-33.
   They may be thus set out:-

"THE BEATITUDES" (Matthew 5:3-12).
  1. The kingdom opened to the poor (verse 3).
  2. Comfort for mourners (verse 4).
  3. The meek inheriting the earth (verse 5).
  4. True righteousness sought by true desire (verse 6).
  5. The merciful obtaining mercy (verse 7).
  6. Purity within, and the vision of God hereafter (verse 8).
  7. Peacemakers, the sons of God (9).
  8. The persecuted (verses 10,12).
"THE WOES" (Matthew 23:13-33).
  1. The kingdom shut (verse 3).
  2. Mourners distressed (verse 14).
  3. Fanatics compassing the earth (verse 15).
  4. False righteousness sought by casuistry (verses 16-22).
  5. Mercy "mercy" and "left undone" (verses 23,24).
  6. Purity without, uncleanness within. "Blindness" (verses 25,26).
  7. Hypocrites, and lawless (verses 27,28).
  8. The persecutors (verses 29-33).

   Besides these eight contrasts there is an internal correspondence of the principal thoughts, suggested by the combined series, and forming the Structure given in the note on Matthew 5:3,4.
   It may be further noted that these Beatitudes rest on special passages in the Psalms: Matthew 5:
3 (Psalm 40:17); 5:4 (Psalm 119:136); 5:5 (Psalm 37:11); 5:6 (Psalm 42:1,2); 5:7 (Psalm 41:1); 5:8 (Psalm 24:4; 73:1); 5:9 (Psalm 133:1); 5:10 (Psalms 37; 39; 40).

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