The Synagogue; and Jewish Sects.
This Is Appendix 120 From The Companion Bible.
Synagogues are mentioned as existing in Old
Testament times, Psalm 74:4, 8. The Hebrew here
is mo'ed, and in verse 8 it is rendered
"synagogues" in the Authorized Version and Revised Version
(margin, "places of assembly"). AQUILA also, a reviser
of the Septuagint (about A.D. 130), renders
it sunagoge.
Synagogues were in use from the earliest times, and
Dr. John Lightfoot (Works, vol. v., p. 112) identifies them with
"the 'high places' so often mentioned in Scripture
in a commendable sense, as 1 Samuel
9:19; 10:5. 1 Kings
3:4, etc."
These are to be distinguished from the "high places"
connected with idolatry and false worship (as 1 Kings
11:7 and
12:31. Jeremiah
7:31 and
19:5, etc.). How else
could the "holy convocations" be held in accordance with
Leviticus 23:3, 4, etc.?
On the return from the captivity, laws were made to
regulate their erection, constitution, and use.
The days of assembly were three : the Sabbath, the
second day of the week (our Sunday sunset to Monday sunset), and the
fifth day (our Wednesday sunset, etc.). The expression in Acts
13: 42, which in the
Greek = the Sabbath between, may therefore refer to one of these
intervening days.
The officers of the Synagogue were : -
- The
Archisunagogos = the ruler of the Synagogue, having
charge of its affairs, regulating the service, etc.
- The
Sheliach (or mal'ak)
hazzibbor = the angel of the ekklesia, who
was the constant minister of the Synagogue, to pray, preach, have
charge of the law and appoint its readers. Hence he was called
episkopos, or overseer. See notes on 1 Corinthians
11:10. (the angels.
Compare Genesis 6:2. 2 Peter
2:4. Jude
6. Cannot refer
to the bishop or other officer; for why he be affected more than the
other men in the congregation?) and Revelation 1:20.
- The
word PHARISEE is the Hebrew
for one who was separated by special beliefs and
practices, which were very strict as to tithing and eating, etc. (see
Matthew 23:23. Luke
18:12). It was for
this reason that the Lord was upbraided by the Pharisees (Matthew
11:19. Mark
2:16. Luke
Doctrinally, they held that the
oral law was necessary to complete and explain the
written law; hence, the strong denunciations of the
Lord. Moreover, they held the natural immortality of man; and,
JOSEPHUS says, the
transmigration of souls.
[The E SSENES cultivated an
intensified form of Pharisaism.]
- The
word SADDUCEE is the Greek
form of the Hebrew zaddukim, which is derived from one
Zadok, said to be the founder of the sect, who was a
disciple of ANTIGONUS of
SOCOH (200-170
B.C.). They were
the aristocratic and conservative party politically; and, doctrinally
(generally speaking) they negatived the teaching of the Pharisees,
even denying the doctrine of the resurrection.
Neither of these sects had any existence, as
such, till the return from Babylon.