The Synonymous Words for "Child", "Children", etc.
This Is Appendix 108 From The Companion Bible.

       There are seven Greek words translated "child" in the New Testament, which are to be distinguished as follows :-

  1. teknon = that which is borne or born (from tikto, to bring forth). Anglo-Saxon = bearn, from beran, to bear. Hence, Scottish bairn. Used of a child by natural descent, whether boy or girl.

  2. teknion. Diminutive of teknon (No. i, above); a term of endearment.

  3. huios = a son, or male, having reference to origin and nature, including that of relationship to the father.

  4. pais = a child, whether son or daughter (in relation to law); a boy or girl (in relation to age); a servant, or maid (in relation to condition), like the French garÇon.

  5. paidion. Diminutive of pais (No. iv, above); hence, a young or little child, an infant; also a term of endearment.

  6. paidarion. Another diminutive of pais (No. iv, above), a lad; a little boy or girl.

  7. nepios. Not old enough to speak (from ne, negative, and epo, to speak).

  8. brephos. An embryo, or newly-born babe.

  9. korasion = a young girl, or maiden. Diminutive of kore, a girl; like paidion, used as a term of endearment.

  10. neaniskos = a young man (always so translated), from the age of twenty to forty.

Appendix List