"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee. I ordained thee a Prophet unto the Nations. Thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee. Whatsoever I command thee, thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee."

"See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant." - Jer. 1:5-7, 8-10.

To Build and to Plant!

F.R.A. Glover: Where such an important part is attributed to the prophet Jeremiah as the re-habilitation of an embryo-kingdom of Judah in Ireland, - an event involving immense consequences, - it would be natural to expect that some footmarks would be left by the way, by which the steps of this great man might be tracked. Such unmistakable footmarks, if to be found, might be more reliable as evidence of his presence, than any chronology of the times might afford, even if such existed; seeing that they would be beyond suspicion of fabrication. Accordingly there are, both personal and official, as well as legal, marks of the Prophet's presence in Ireland at the proper time; independent of the priestly one of blessing the Stone in inauguration of the new Dynasty destined to perpetuate and redeem the forfeited promise to the line of David, and to secure the continuance of the Sceptre of Judah. Such marks are discoverable in the various points, as regards Jeremiah, below enumerated.

1. OLLAM FOLA, the reputed king, sage, and legislator, and the College of Ollams which he founded at Tara;-

2. INNIS-PHAIL, the Isle of Destiny;-

3. JODHAN MORAN, the Righteous Judge (Isa. 11);-

4. LIA FAIL, the Stone of Destiny,


6. TARA, the name of the Royal Settlement of Ireland;-

7. The LAW OF SLAVERY, the seven years' law of the Hebrews;-

(As regards the Hereditary Descent of the Royal Race of Britain,)

8. The IRISH MYSTERY not to be uttered;-

9. The Scottish-Irish LAW OF DESCENTS


11. The Lion Rampant of Scotland; the HERALDIC BLAZON;-

12. The HEBRAICAL Etymological COINCIDENCES at Tara.

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