"I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations." - Gen. 48:18-19.

"Again will I build thee, and thou shalt be built, 0 Virgin of Israel .. Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria. For thus saith the Lord; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout for the Head of the Nations." - Jer. 31:4, 5. 7.

"The name Sacae was applied to them first, as simply the Tribes; perhaps adopted from themselves: but ultimately it came to signify Bow-men, because they, like the Ephraimites (Ps. 78:9), and the English, were so famous for the use of the bow." - Moore, p. 89.

F.R.A. Glover: How is England, Ephraim?

If, notwithstanding all that has already been said and quoted, this admits of a doubt in the minds of candid inquirers, who desire not to arrogate to our glorious land more than justly belongs to her, - a thing, certainly, most.earnestly to be guarded against, - the fact that England is Joseph, - will be brought home to the mind of every man of our empire, who considers England's position as manifested in her Colonies [JML: now Commonwealth], which constitute a constellation of nations. These "nations," though they are as one with us, and so, we constitute one people, are, in so far as concerns the administration of power, equal, at any moment, to start, each, as an independent nation; having, all, a form of government, and being equal to the labour of self-existence: each, in fact, being a Nation in embryo, as having the germ of a nation in itself.

God forbid that they should ever desire to commit suicide [JML: which just proves that God's ways and our don't align!] by separating from the parent stem, either through false ideas of the glory of independence, or through the gratification of some vague notion of "the fitness of things" by any insensate doctrinaire, in temporary power, amongst ourselves. There, however, they are, to separate if they list. Nobody wants to keep them for our own sake. [JML: in the 1960's and still today, England is happy to shed the burden of Empire.] It is hard to see what they would gain by separating, beyond the chance and likelihood of being swallowed up by any power that chose to march in upon them with 400,000 men, and occupy their sea-board, if they had any, with iron-plated frigates, with a Constitution for them, ready cut and framed, according to the most exact regulation-order of some imperial wisdom. He who is one with England, be he no bigger than the smallest atom of herself [the island of Sark, for instance, with one man upon it], has, in union, all the strength and power of England to defend him; and those who are bigger than Europe have found that they have not done themselves much service by starting on their own independence [JML: USA in 1861!]. It is a great thing to be Joseph; which is, the proper title, dignity, and eminence of all that belongs, or has ever belonged to, England. But it is to Joseph with Judah that the blessing is. It, is Judah that has THE ABIDING SCEPTRE!

Who can look on the present state of the United States without anguish of soul and body? There is Joseph who was one with Judah, but is not. They would not be. They chose to separate: and now they are, all, in all the energy of infuriated discord, ready to plunge a knife each into the bowels of his brother. If the price of their ill-conceived desire of independence is a war of extermination among themselves, - not possible so long as they were in the band of Judah, - which of them, as they give out their last gasp and leave their unhappy widows and helpless infants to the miserable issues that must befall, but will have cause to deplore the acts which led their fathers to separate from "the mother that bare them," and to wish that the grand energies that God gave them had not been turned to some other and better account, than to create the opportunity to show to the enemies of freedom the most miserable spectacle that mankind will ever have had to deplore? .. unless, in God's Providence, He be mercifully pleased even yet to cry, "Hold! enough. Repent, and do your first works of humiliation and repentance!" .. and they do them.

Let therefore all Large Colonies take warning and Small Ones count the cost, how they separate from that grand Mother which is the HEART through which the life-blood of all who belong to her may circulate. Judah is to Ephraim what the heart is to the body. Nevertheless, as the example of the United States has shown, that, that which was with us may become a Nation, it does not require those who are still with us to follow that example to prove, that each separate Colony is one of "the nation of nations of Ephraim," and to go adrift from us to give material evidence of the great fact, which is sufficiently evident without it. [JML: it is now clear that the formation of the USA was a long process of "sifting of wheat" whereby a separate Manasseh came into existence.]

This Multitude of Nations, then, the Colonies and Dependencies of Great Britain, making it palpable that England is Ephraim, .. and, as omne majus continet omne minus, Ephraim in multitude must be Joseph in nucleus, England must be, therefore, Joseph: and so, whatever is promised to Joseph as well as to Ephraim, will be fulfilled in the destinies of the land in which the multitude of Ephraim is felt, as well as the strength and power of Joseph, is seen, to be.

End of excepted text


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