Converting Word Files to Html




Web files can have either an .htm or .html file name extension. We prefer to use .html file extensions.

Some Internet servers are case sensitive.  Therefore, it is our practice to make .html files all in lower case.

When you convert Word .doc files to .html, you will have a Table of Contents file called index.html, plus individual files for each chapter or portion.  We want to keep individual html files to less than 100k (general guideline), so in some cases, even chapters will need to be divided into separate files.

In the index.html file, make hyperlinks to the chapter files.  Use the hyperlink icon or Control K to set up a hyperlink.  Each chapter should be named something like 01bookname.html, 02bookname.html.  Why is the leading zero important?  Because, if you have more than 9 files, the leading zero will cause the files to sort with 01, etc.

If you want to make a background theme for the book, do it in the starting combined file once, so you do not have to do it separately for each chapter.

To put a background in Word, from the pull down menus: Format, Background, Fill Effects Texture, and select the desired background texture.  When you save as an .html file, the image of the background becomes a separate file, such as imagennn.jpg.  Be sure to mail us back this image file as well.

Obviously, the index.html will not have dot leaders and page numbers in the Table of Contents, nor lots of blank lines like the title page of a printed book.  Internet files do not have page numbers like a book.  See how I did the book, "Jesus Before the Sanhedrim," at


Step-by-Step Instructions:


Put the whole Word book in one .doc file.  Save as Web Page (temp.html). Insert a background. Change font to Verdana 12 point.  Put your chapter names without dot leaders and page numbers.  Save.  Strip everything out except the table of contents.  Save this reduced file as index.html.  Open temp.html.  Strip out the table of contents.  Save.  Strip out chapters 2 to the end.  Save as 01bookname.html.  Close.  Open temp.html.  Strip out chapter 1.  Save.  Strip out chapters 3 to the end.  Save as 02bookname.html.  Repeat the process until all the chapters are in separate files.

Then, put hyperlinks in your index.html file.  In each chapter file, at the bottom of the file, put links to return to home, and go to the next chapter, and the previous chapter.

Again, see and its chapters as a guide.