College Notes
The Acts
Chapter 12

Peter Imprisoned (12:1-24)
James Killed (12:1-2)

vs. 1
Arrest of Peter

Herod Agrippa I

  1. Herod the Great -- Mat. 2:1 (in power when Christ born)
  2. Herod Philip I -- Mat. 14:3 (responsible for John's death)
  3. Herod Antipas -- Mark 6 (consents to John's death)
  4. Herod Archelaus -- Mat. 2:22
  5. Herod Philip II -- Luke 3:1 (founder of Philippi)
  6. Herod Agrippa I -- Acts 12
  7. Herod Agrippa II -- Acts 26 (Paul examined)

vs. 2
James (the brother of John).

Note:  1 of original 12 and first to be killed.

Peter Jailed, Delivered (12:3-17)

vs. 4
"Easter" - mistranslation.  Comes from Anglo-Saxon version.  Should  read Passover.                            

"Quaternions" - 4 groups of 4 men.

vs. 6
In 2nd ward (see vs. l0).  Took no chances with Peter!

vs. 8
Took off with nothing on.

vs. 10
Point:  What you can do for yourself God doesn't need to do for you and vice-versa.

vs. 12
John Mark.  Same one that fled down the street naked.

vs. 15
See also Hebrews 1:14.

Note:  Angels do intervene in our lives.

Point:  They had a perception of angels.

vs. 17
James the Lord's brother.

Reaction (12:18-20)

vs. 19
"examined" probably means whipped.  Rome was brutal.

Herod's Death (12:21-24)

vs. 23
Josephus states:  Herod was smitten in one day and died five days later (44 A.D.)

In Wars of The Jews, Josephus relates:
"After this the distemper seized his whole body, and greatly disordered all its parts with
 various symptoms;  for there was a gentle fever upon him,  and an intolerable itching over all the surface of his body, and continual pains in his colon, and dropsical tumours about his feet, and an inflammation of the abdomen,  and a putrefaction of his privy member, that produced worms.   Besides which he had a difficulty of breathing upon him, and could not breathe but when he sat upright, and had a convulsion of all his members; insomuch that the diviners said those diseases were a punishment upon him for what he had done to the rabbins.   Yet did he struggle with his numerous disorders, and still had a desire to live, and hoped for recovery, and considered several methods of cure."
Bk.I, Ch. XXXIII, Par.5

The account of Josephus continues to reveal more of the character of Herod in the account of his death:
"He then returned back and came to Jericho, in such a melancholy state of body as almost threatened him with present death, when he proceeded to attempt a horrid wickedness; for he got together the most illustrious men of the whole Jewish nation, out of every village, into a place called the Hippodrome, and there shut them in.  He then called for his sister
Salomc and her husband Alexas, and made his speech to them:-'I know well enough that the Jews will keep a festival upon my death; however, it is in my power to be mourned for on other accounts, and to have a splendid funeral, if you will but be subservient to my commands. Do you but take care to send soldiers to encompass  these  men that are now in custody,  and slay them immediately upon my death,  and then all Judea,  and every family of them, will weep at it whether they will or no."...So, Herod, having survived the slaughter of his son five days died...  Now before the soldiers knew of  his death,  Salome and her husband came out and dismissed those that were in bonds, whom the king had commanded to be slain, and told them he had altered his mind,  and would have every one of them sent to their own homes."  Par.6-8

vs. 24
Word of God grew and multiplied (see 16:5)

First Evangelistic Tour (12:25-15:35)
Calling of Barnabas (12:25-13:3)

Index | Chapter 11 | Chapter 13