College Notes
The Acts
Chapter 4

Peter and John Jailed (4:1-4)

vs. 1
"captain of the temple" means an official second only to the high priest who kept order in the temple. Also called Sagan.

Sadducees -- small, but influential. Wealthy, aristocratic class.

Reasons why Peter & John arrested:  

  1. Sadducees (in charge of temple) didn't believe in resurrection.
  2. Wanted to discourage a riot or disorder in the court.

vs. 3
Sagan and Sadducees arrested Peter and John, putting them in jail overnight.

vs. 4
Not 5000 on same day as result of second sermon.

But, "was" (Greek) egenethe -- means "came to be."

12O - converted before Pentecost +3OOO - converted on Pentecost = 312O +188O - converted on day of second sermon = 5OOO

vs. 6
Caiaphas - high priest (who had condemned Christ to be crucified).

High priest elected for life. (It was all in the family) - "kindred"

Annas - high priest - A.D. 6-15

Caiaphas - high priest - A.D. 18- 36.

Sanhedrin - Supreme Court of Jews

  1. 71 members directed by high priest.
  2. Sadducees (priests)
  3. Scribes (experts in traditional law)
  4. Pharisees (fanatics for law)
  5. Elders (respected in community)

vs. 10-11
Point: Focus on Christ and not on Peter.

The tradition still exists in Masonic lore the stone that Jacob slept on was later carried by the priests in the wilderness it was brought into the Promised Land.

Christ was believed to be that rock (1 Corinthians 10: 4-6)
As Christ was rejected the stone would be rejected.
Finally when the temple was to be built it was thought that this famous stone should be used as the cornerstone of Solomon’s temple it was inspected by the architects they found it very rough with a large crack. The crack could split it in two easily for this reason the builders condemned the stone as unfit they rejected it.

Masonic tradition continues to state at the building of the temple the stone was rejected as a corner stone still it was included in the temple it was made a part of the coronation ceremonies

In Israel’s history Athaliah had the royal seed killed a nurse took the heir Joash & hid him several years the priest commanded that Joash be anointed king Joash was coronated as king & the pillar is mentioned.

and when Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she came to the people into the temple of the LORD.  And when she looked, behold, the king stood by a pillar, as the manner was, and the princes and the trumpeters by the king, and all the people of the land rejoiced, and blew with trumpets: and Athaliah rent her clothes, and cried, Treason, Treason. (II Kings 11:13-14)

The stone was the corner stone upon which we are all built into a temple
ephesians 2:19-20

vs. 12
Christ - the only name. Can't be saved by Buddha, Allah, etc.

I Tim. 2:5 -- one mediator

However, it is not only pronouncing his name.

Release (4:13-22)

vs. 13
"unlearned and ignorant" means Peter and John were not formally trained in the Rabbinic schools. Were not learned in studying the Talmud, etc. Also said of Christ, Jn. 7:15.

However, it doesn’t that they were not educated.

Note: John’s Gospel is considered to be eloquent Greek.

Point of wisdom not to educate ministry to the degree they can't relate to laity.

vs. 16
How did Luke (author) know what went on behind closed doors?

It’s very possible that John and Peter told him what went on in the room.

Luke was a historian and he would have research this. 

vs. 19
Wasn't a question of right or wrong. God would judge.

Prayers, Encouragement (4:23-31)

vs. 24
Example of understanding a principle long after one is first exposed.

vs. 27
Pais (Greek) means child, servant. 

Point: Same Greek word as servant in vs. 25.

vs. 29
Pray for boldness

vs. 31
Early New Testament Church had miracles. Today not same public drama.  

God will once again intervene in mankind’s affairs and then there will be miracles of this magnitude and greater.

Sacrifice for the Work (4:32-37)

vs. 32
Explained in 2:44 - 45

vs. 36
Barnabas is introduced.

Point: Were themselves from geographically Gentile areas.

  1. Paul from Tarsus.
  2. Barnabas from Cypress.

vs. 37
Barnabas' attitude revealed.

Index | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5