College Notes
The Acts
Chapter 2

Holy Spirit Sent (2:1-13)
Gathering and Receiving Spirit (2:1-4)

vs. 1
"Pentecost" means "the fiftieth" (Author name for e.g. The Feast of Weeks)

(The Feast of First Fruits -- Harvest reference)

50 days transpired counting from the morrow after the Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread i.e. Monday June l8th, 31 A.D.

Symbolism of Holy Days:
Passover, Old Testament pictures death angel passing over.

Unleavened Bread, Exodus out of  Egypt.

Pentecost, The law given on Mt. Sinai.

vs. 1 (cont.)
"All" 120 present (1:15) at election of Matthias.

"in one place" e.g. The temple mount (vs. 46) is indicated.

vs. 2
"Rushing mighty wind" evidence of God’s presence in natural elements supernaturally employed.  

Example: appearance of God to Elijah in I Kings 19:11, 12. Acts 4:31 "The place was shaken where they were assembled."

"House" oikos means House, residence, building

Luke 11:51 "Temple" is also Oikon therefore, they were in the temple.

See also (vs. 46). Mat. 21:13 Christ called temple his Father's house.

*Shows significance that they did mingle with Jews and that Church was continued there.

vs. 3
"Cloven tongues like as of fire"
Cloven means literally in distribution or divided.
Fire means specifically lightening; fiery.

* Point: Not a serpent's tongue!

vs. 4
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues"

(Greek) glossa means literal tongue (languages).

Glossa, vs. 4, 11.

Point: Not interpreted incoherent, unintelligible, speaking.

Tongues (2:4-13)

vs. 5
"out of every nation" -- From the dispersion, means from all over the world i.e. where Jews had gone.

During this time of the Spring Harvest the Weather is mild, making it easy for many to travel to Jerusalem. Therefore this made it possible for a large group to attend this Holy Day.

vs. 6
"In his own language" (Greek) dialektos means dialect. Were speaking in different dialects.

dialektos, vs. 6, 8.        

Note: Each person from what ever nation they were heard them speak not only in their own language but their particular dialect. (verse 9)

Tremendous miracle of speaking and hearing.

vs. 7
Note: Most likely only the twelve apostles spoke in the gift of tongues. (Acts 2:14, 15 Mark 14:70)

vs. 8

vs. 9 - 10
Many different dialects . . .

*Proselytes i.e. converts to Judaism by circumcision.

First Gentile via citizenship Cornelius.

2 types of proselytes:

  1. Full (circumcised)
  2. Of the gate (uncircumcised)

Peter Speaks (2:14-40)
Miracle Explained (2:14-21)

vs. 14
Peter's Sermon given at the Temple Mount. 3000 added post-sermon.

How baptized? May have used "micvehs" to baptize the 3000 on the south side of the Temple Mount. Originally designed to cleanse the people before they entered the Temple Mount.

vs. 15
Jews began counting at 6:00 a.m. which means 3rd hour - 9:00 a.m.

vs. 16
Joel quoted

vs. 17
"In the last days" 2 possibilities:

  1. 2/3 human history (man's government) had transpired up to that time, i.e. last days.
  2. Jews thought Messiah was to come then, i.e. last days.

Peter was convinced that they were living in the last days.

Duality of Prophecy

Partially fulfilled by an event, e.g. Joel's prophecy.


  1. Foretelling future.
  2. Inspired speaking.

vs. 21
"Call on the name of the Lord"

The Protestants misunderstand this. They believe all one has to do is to call upon “Jesus” to be saved.  Peter’s quote of Joel 2:32 includes the time when the kingdom will be on the earth and all flesh will know Him and obey him when salvation will be available to everyone. (Philippians 2:10-11)

First Sermon (2:22-40)

vs. 22
"Jesus" -- A man approved by God.

"Ye" -- Jewish leadership who put Christ to death.

"You know" -- Peter knew they knew.

Not important to dwell on who killed Christ or who is responsible, e.g., the Jews. Our sin put Christ on the stake, not the Jews' or Romans'. God doesn't hold them responsible.

vs. 25
Before Samuel, prophets were called seers. Consequently, after that time called prophets.

David quoted -- had meaning relevant to Christ's return.
Ps. 16:8

vs. 27
Hell (Hebrew) Sheol - the grave, (Greek) Hades - the grave.

Greek word alone does not verify meaning but rather the truth of the Bible.

vs. 29
Interesting to note: The place David was buried was known then.

"He is dead and buried."

Point: David not speaking of himself, but of Christ.

Note: Proof that David is not presently in heaven.

vs. 34
“Not ascended to heaven!"

Point: Patriarchs began to understand that there is a God family.

vs. 38
"Repent" -- to have remorse for what you did with the intent to completely change.

“baptized” IN WHOSE NAME?

Mat. 28:19 -- In the name of the father, and the son into the Holy Spirit which we do in the name of Jesus Christ (by the authority of).

Repentance requires belief and an attitude of change…also hating sin!

Formula for Baptism:

  1. Believe
  2. Repent
  3. Baptized
  4. Reception of Holy Spirit

vs. 40
"With many other words" -- took all day.

Point: Counseling for baptism takes time!

Church Begins Big (2:41-47)
Three Thousand Added (2:41-43)

vs. 41
3000 baptized

vs. 42
"breaking bread" -- eating a meal! i.e. common term.

Point: Not Lord's Supper

Sharing (2:44-47)

vs. 44
People of Jerusalem took the visitors into their homes.

Point: Not a Marxist, communist approach!

vs. 47
Only God can call! John 6:44, Acts 2:39, 1 Corinthians 1:26

Index | Chapter 1 | Chapter 3