Review: The Origin Of Medical Practice


NB: the thesis by McMichael is not doctrine and was moderated by the church later on.


While claiming to fight a “war on drugs,” the western world is, instead, promoting and encouraging the use of drugs in medical practice.  You cannot watch television for long before being inundated with advertise­ments for the latest “miracle drug.”  After high-pressure salesmanship touting the benefits of the drug (which often costs double or triple its generic counterpart), the ad closes with a list of the drug’s side effects, some of which are very scary.  This makes one wonder why he should take the drug in the first place.


How did medical practice come into being?  Historians have long assumed that modern medical practice originated in Greece in the Fourth Century B.C., and that Hippo­crates was the “Father of Medicine.”  It is also assumed that competent medical proced­ures, including anatomy, physiology, pharma­cology, surgery, and gynecology, are a comparatively recent development.

Sherwin McMichael’s article, “The Origin of Medical Practice,” stoutly refutes the above assumptions.  He demonstrates that reliable historical research has proven that a capable medical practice was established in Egypt fifty centuries ago, and at that time, a competent grasp of medical procedures was a universal phenomenon.  Egypt, not Greece, was the origin of advanced medical practice.  Modern disease was equally an ancient curse.

Alexander Fleming accidentally discov­ered penicillin in 1928, and the age of the antibiotic began, which is the cornerstone of “modern” drug therapy.  However, the operational principle of antibiotics was common knowledge among physicians 4000 years ago.  History records that ancient doctors used drugs with greater accuracy (and fewer side effects) than do their medical counterparts today.


“Modern” Diseases Existed in Antiquity


Medicine is not just a science, it is an art, dependent on the supernatural.  Hippocrates broke with the ancient concept that healing was a supernatural art.  However, applying the scientific method to medicine had unsavory results:  more sickness and disease.

Careful research in the field of paleo­pathology has shown that “modern” diseases were extant in ancient times:  rheu­matism, congenital deformities, dental prob­lems, smallpox, pneumonia, pleurisy, menin­gitis, gallbladder inflammation, append­i­citis, lepro­sy, cholera, diarrhea, typhoid fever, malaria, arteriosclerosis, obesity, angina pectoris, polio, cancer, etc., existed in early Egypt.


Ancient Medical Cures More Effective!


Ancient medical liability laws were extremely strict.  If a physician harmed or killed a patient, he could suffer dire conse­quences, even execution.  Yet, ancient medical practice flourished.  Why?  Because it was successful, even more so, than today’s “modern” medicine!  Selwyn-Brown, in The Physician Throughout the Ages, page 197, says, “The proportion of cures to deaths of patients appears higher than it is today.”  Much of this medical knowledge was lost in succeeding centuries, during a “dark age.”  The natural and herbal medicines prescribed in ancient Egypt, as described in medical papyri, astound modern doctors.


Sewer Pharmacology


The Bible takes a dim view about dung.  That is why I believe that today’s modern public sewer systems, which put treated or untreated sew­age into our rivers and lakes, will come to a grinding halt in the World Tomorrow.  Instead, the Bible instructs us to dig a hole and cover our excrement, away from the camp, Deuteronomy 23:12-14.

Ancient and modern physicians who have departed from the Eternal, use excrement and putrid substances as standard medical treat­ment.  A sizeable, complex, section of Egypt­ian pharmacopoeia used animal and human excrement and urine in an astonishing number of medical treatments.

Doctors today, through antibiotics and vaccines, likewise use unclean substances to treat disease.  According to the Bible, dung is to be taken away, not consumed to “cure” disease.  Eating one’s dung is a curse, not a blessing:  I Kings 14:10; II Kings 18:27; Zephaniah 1:17; Malachi 2:3.  The discovery of the “miracle” antibiotic Aureomycin in 1948, had a devasting effect on medicine.  Dr. Benjamin Duggar of Wis­con­sin extracted the drug from a type of soil found near cemeteries.  Modern chemistry re-discovered ancient knowledge: some waste products resulting from mold metabolism have an annihilating effect on bacteria.

Do you want to mollify the curse of dis­ease with unclean substances, or use natural herbs, and depend on God to heal you?


Apollo (Nimrod) Founded Medicine


Apollo was the great Greek god of healing, to which Hippocrates and modern doctors take an oath.  McMichael shows that Apollo was really Nimrod, who developed medical practice to counteract disease result­ing from the penalty of rebelling against God.  Sin, rebellion against the Almighty, leads to disease, Exodus 15:26.  Deuter­onomy 28:15, 21-22, 27-28, 45, shows that diseases are generally the penalty of sin, and that ancient Egypt suffered the same diseases as we do today.  To alleviate, postpone, ameliorate, the effect of sin and disease, Nimrod was super­naturally inspired (possessed) by Satan the Devil to discover many drugs to avert God’s penalty through medical practices.


Rebellion, or Trust in God?


Sherwin McMichael concludes, “Medi­cine was developed as a result of, and in conjunction with, the rebellion at Babel!  The purpose for producing a medical practice was to make possible a rebellion which led mankind away from God! . . . The records amply demonstrate that the peoples of the ancient world died waging an unending, unsuccessful war against disease — the same diseases fought today.  The Bible reveals medicine was not, and is not, the answer to ill health.  ‘Go up [as did Ahaziah] into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of EGYPT:  in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured.’  For ‘thou HAST NO HEALING MEDICINES’  (Jeremiah 46:11, 30:13).

“Considering the origin of medicine and its ancient failure, mankind should reconsider the wisdom in its use today.  Traditionally, medicine has been used and needed by only those in open rebellion to God, those perpet­uating the civilization established at Babel.   Those ancient peoples sought protec­tion from God through medicine!  Is man seeking the same protection today?”

The Origin of Medical Practice, by Sherwin McMichael, 49-page reprint, is avail­able for a suggested donation of $6 postpaid, from: Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849.

We also recommend our free 98-page book, “Biblical Health and Healing.”  See our website for lots more health and healing resources,  A great recipe is listed below; there are many more healthful recipes in our book.

                                                                                                                                                                                               — by Richard C. Nickels  W


Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes


       1 C whole wheat flour                                                            2 eggs
1/2 C wheat bran                                                                     1 1/2 C milk

       1 tsp. baking powder                                                             1/2 C mashed banana (1 large)

       1/2 tsp salt


Combine the flour, wheat bran, baking powder and salt. Stir until well mixed together. In another bowl, beat the eggs; then beat in the milk and banana. Combine the moist and dry mixtures and stir just until blended. I make the silver dollar size pancakes.  Using a heaping soup spoon to measure the batter for the skillet works well for me. I heat my skillet and spray PAM on it. Cook until the edges are browned and the top bubbly; then turn and cook the other side until browned. Serve immediately.

 I double or triple the recipe and use about two bananas instead of one for each full recipe, about five for 2.5 times the recipe. Using this much banana, the pancakes taste uncooked if served hot. I think it is because there is so much banana in them. So, I make them and let them cool and put them in plastic bags and refrigerate or freeze. They are so good, I will take them right out of the freezer and eat them. I sprinkle ground flaxseed on them. You may drizzle a little honey to sweeten if you like.       — contributed by Carole Tillman