Just One Puff


“WARNING! The Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.” In spite of the recent findings and warning of the Surgeon General, more people are smoking than ever before.

Tobacco is a slow, insidious, and most malignant poison. In any form, it is very dangerous because its effects are slow, and at first, hardly perceptible. It excites and then paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and clouds the brain. Often it affects the nerves in a more powerful manner, and its effects are more difficult to cleanse from the system, than those of liquor. Its use excites a thirst for strong drink, and in many cases lays the foundation for the liquor habit.

How does the human body react to one puff on a cigarette?  As the nineteen poisons in this one puff enter the mouth enroute past the throat into the delicate lung area, the sensitive mucous lining becomes inflamed and reddened.

The primary function of the lungs is to bring air and blood into intimate contact so that oxygen can be transferred to the blood, and carbon dioxide can be removed. The blood cells come to the lung tissue expecting to come into contact with pure air containing oxygen, but due to this puff of smoke, the blood cells are exposed to nineteen poisons. Therefore, instead of the expected load of oxygen, the cells carry an overload of toxins. Oxygen is found diluted with carbon monoxide, besides the nicotine which is the habit-forming element of tobacco, known as a “ball and chain.”

The end results of this puff of smoke creates a lovely red glow in the user — ears are red, with more color in the cheeks — a healthy color, at first. Why? Because carbon monoxide (CO) holds the oxygen in the blood cells, resulting in a glowing complexion. Meanwhile, smoking for one-half hour causes a state of carbon monoxide poisoning in the smoker. In minute quantities the body functions adapt and accept the insult so that when it is taken away, the body craves for it.

During this stage, there is a call to the adrenal glands for energy, due to the lack of needed oxygen in the blood, which in turn give a call to the liver, which stores glycogen for a quick source of energy. This sugar is spilled into the blood at once and a surge of energy is felt by the body. Alas, the body says: “What a lift I got out of that puff of smoke!” But wait a minute, was this burst of energy a real one? Yes it was, not normal, but rather resulting from the stimulant. At first little effect of fading in body function is noticed. However, as the years follow, the seed sown brings a harvest of disease.

“Because the stimulants produce for the time being such agreeable results, many conclude that they really need them, and continue their use. But there is always a reaction. The nervous system, having been unduly excited, borrowed power for present use from its future resources of strength. All this temporary invigoration of the system is followed by depression. In proportion, as these stimulants temporarily invigorate the system, so will there be a letting down of the power of the excited organs after the stimulus has lost its force.” — Healthful Living, p. 106.

Experiments on plants have found that two parts of nicotine to a thousand of water poured on some plants will stop their growth, and that tobacco smoke will hinder the growth of certain seedlings. On animals it has been found that the smoke of one cigarette will kill a rat, or a gold­fish.

A turtle can wiggle its toes a week after its head is cut off, but one drop of nicotine on its tongue will kill it in twenty-six minutes. One sixth of a drop of nicotine will kill a cat; one-half a drop to two drops will kill a dog, and eight drops will kill a horse in four minutes.

When guinea pigs or rabbits are subjected to tobacco smoke-laden air, their offspring are born dead or die soon after birth; and to roosters, the fertility of the eggs and the vitality of the chicks are lessened.

The nicotine in one cigar, if injected into the veins of two men, will kill both of them.

The popular concept is that tobacco is not very harmful, and that a little will not hurt a person. We ask this question: How much poison does it take to make a poison? We contend that any poison will inflict injury to the extent it is used.

The known harmful effects of tobacco upon the human body are many: it injures the brain, the nerves, the heart, the arteries, the digestive system, the liver, the throat, the lungs, the kidneys, and the glands. It is responsible for certain types of cancer. It lessens physical efficiency, and decreases life expectancy.

Besides its direct physical harm, what is even worse and more to be feared, is its effect upon character and morals. Tobacco blunts the conscience, the force within which says “No” to evil.

The money Americans spend every year for tobacco would be enough to run the government in ordinary times. We spend twice as much for tobacco as for education. This enormous monetary loss is nothing compared with the injury to body, character, and posterity.

Many a tobacco user thinks he does not have the willpower to overcome the filthy habit. He thinks it is a weakness on his part. And it is true to a point, for he does need outside help. However, the breaking of the habit is much easier and less painful if the reverse process is understood.

As the stimulation from a puff dies out of the system, the sugar in the blood begins to lower. Normally, it is 130 to 65 mg. As the blood sugar declines to 65 or lower, it causes an undue weakness and nervousness accompanying a feeling that they cannot keep their act together. So another puff relieves the situation.

Many believe that when the blood sugar falls, a concentrated sugar should be taken. This leads to the typical “yo-yo” experience of the hypoglycemic. The usual recommendation is a good breakfast and frequent small meals to give stability to the blood sugar level. The body must learn that stimulants only harm.

We make an appeal to you who profess to believe and obey the word of God: Can you as a Christian indulge a habit that is paralyzing your intellect, and robbing you of power rightly to estimate eternal realities? Can you consent daily to rob God of service which is His due, and to rob your fellow men, both of service you might render and of the power of example?  Know ye not that “ye are not your own? For ye are bought with A price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s,” I Corinthians 6:19-20.


Nonsmokers Get It Worse


Smokers not only subject others to the same health risks to which they subject themselves, but they actually subject those around them to worse risks. Castoff smoke contains twice as much tar and nicotine, three times as much of a certain kind of benzopyrene (a suspected cancer agent), five times as much carbon monoxide (which robs the blood of life-giving oxygen), and forty-six times as much ammonia as the smoke the smoker inhales (according to the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare)!

Then there is cadmium. No matter how little you inhale, cadmium stays in your lungs forever! It accumulates in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Emphysema victims have excess levels of cadmium. According to the Lung Association, some “research has shown that there is even more cadmium in the smoke that drifts off the burning end of the cigarette than in the drag the smoker inhales.” And a recent study conducted by the British government shows that a nonsmoker receives a larger dose of tar and nicotine than the smoker himself.

A wife living with a tobacco user is usually never well. Children suffer from tobacco smoke.



Helpful Hints to Quit Smoking


I.            Change Diet

a.                  Omit coffee, tea, meat, fish, fowl, desserts, gravies, and rich foods for three days.

b.   Use lots of fresh fruit (not canned), fruit juices, including some avocados and raw nuts.

c.                  Three (3) meals daily and juices between meals when desired.

d.   Put cigarettes where you have to consciously get them — not in your convenient pocket.

e.      Take one capsule of capsicum and powdered goldenseal root each, three times daily. If preferred, take the same amount directly with sufficient water. This may be repeated whenever there is a craving to smoke.

NOTE: If possible, break the coffee habit first. This habit holds a person to cigarettes. A cup of coffee and cigarettes seem to go together.

II.  Hot Baths

      a.            Equipment

            1.                  Bath tub

            2.                  Lots of hot water

            3.                  Board wide enough to sit on and long enough to reach across the tub

      4.            Two towels and two wash cloths

            5.                  Pure salt — without chemical additives

            6.                  Two bowls

            7.                  Ice

            8.                  Blankets — 100% wool are the best

            9.                  Plastic sheet

            10.                  Bed.

      b.            Procedure

            1.   Put in one bowl a cup of pure salt — add a little water, just enough to moisten the salt.

            2.                  Put ice and water in other bowl.

            3.                  Fill tub with hot water (l00°F - 106°F).

            4.   Put board across tub; place towel on board — sit on board and put feet in hot water until red — this draws blood from head and starts circulation.

            5.   Remove board and sit down in tub of hot water until body gets hot enough to perspire.

            6.   Sit on board across tub; rub body all over with salt, front and back, and keep it on for ten (10) minutes — the salt brings out the poisons through skin pores.

            7.                  Get back into tub and stay till very warm.

            8.   Apply cold washcloth from the second bowl to the head, especially the forehead, back of neck, and base of head.

            9.   Get out of tub — dry off.

      c.            Prepare Bed

            1.                  Put plastic over pillows and sheet.

            2.                  Put another sheet over plastic and use sheet to cover. Next put on two blankets.

            3.                  Person will continue to perspire — may sleep for two hours.

            4.   Drink hot lemonade, herb tea (without sugar; small amount of honey may be used). Mint tea is good, yarrow is even better.

      d.            After Rest in Bed

            1.   Go back to a warm bathroom and take either a cool shower or bath. This washes away the poisons (nicotine) eliminated through the pores of the skin.

            2.                  Remove plastic and damp sheets from bed.

            3.                  Return to bed and sleep.

            4.   Take these hot sweat baths for three to five days in a row, then reduce to one or two per week (for best results take baths at bed time) — these baths help the elimination of nicotine from the body, reducing craving for tobacco.

III. Claim the promises of God

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,” Philippians 4:13.  “The Lord is the strength of my life,” Psalm 27:1. “God is our refuge and strength,” Psalm 46:1.



Northwestern Publishing Association P.O. Box 20234, Sacramento, CA 95820