Back to Eden and Herbal Remedies 

Review: Back to Eden, by Jethro Kloss. Second Edition Revised and Expanded. Back to Eden Books, Loma Linda, California, 1988. Available from Giving & Sharing at discount.


Your Health is Important

Following Biblical laws of health is much more than abstaining from unclean meats. In all of our eating and drinking, we should strive for the Eternal’s way. Few understand the role of herbs. Just as the Creator "causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and [He has also given the] herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth," Psalms 104:14. The best herb book we know of is Back to Eden.

Jethro Kloss (1863-1946) first published his classic natural health book, Back to Eden, in 1939, the result of forty years of practical experience as an herbalist, food scientist, lecturer, writer and teacher of natural healing. Back to Eden is an encyclopedic home treasury of natural health information. When faced with severe illness in our family, we turn to Kloss’ book to find out how to get our bodies back in tune with nature. Yes, the Eternal is our Healer. However, He expects us to do our part and live clean, wholesome lives so as not to desecrate our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Kloss gives his philosophy of health: "This book contains tried, safe, and inexpensive remedies for the prevention of disease and sickness . . . . Many who violate the laws of health are ignorant of the relation of the laws of living (eating, drinking, and or illness, they do not realize that their condition is caused by violating the laws of nature and health. If then they would resort to simple means and follow the basic laws of health that they have been neglecting — nature’s remedies, herbs, etc. — nature would restore the body to its original health . . . . God has provided a remedy for every disease that might afflict us. Satan cannot afflict anyone with any disease for which God has not provided a remedy . . . . We must return to God’s original plan for maintaining health, by restoring the sick, and rediscovering the miraculous truths that were covered up by commercial graft, ignorance, or neglect. Miraculous things are found in the Bible and Nature. The Creator of this universe . . . [has provided] fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables . . . [when] eaten in their natural state, instead of being perverted and robbed of their life-giving properties during preparation, human health, beauty, and happiness will be the sure reward."

Kloss’ daughter, Promise Kloss Moffett, has revised, updated, expanded and reorganized the original book, adding over 300 additional pages of natural health information. The complete comprehensive index makes every subject accessible in seconds. While keeping the original Kloss material intact, the new version makes this outstanding health encyclopedia more usable. It includes tips on growing your own vegetables, the basics of healthful massage, food preparation and modern recipes, skills in caring for the sick, treating diseases with nature’s herbs, and much more. After 3,000,000 copies, Back to Eden gets better.

Back to Eden belongs in the home of every family concerned about following God’s laws of health. Further research in natural health science may lead to revisions of some of Kloss’ points, but the book is a virtual gold mine and starting point for any serious student of natural health. Follow Jethro Kloss’ advice, and you will likely save on doctor bills, learning how to build a healthy disease-resistant body. Life is more fun when you are healthy, and you can serve God more effectively. W


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