Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 11
The Passover

The Passover --Difference between the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Its Peculiarities
Special Nature of the Passover --Threefold reference of the Passover to nature, history, and grace--Time of the Passover
Origin of the Name --Meaning of the term Pesach--Difference between the so-called 'Egyptian' and the 'Permanent Passover'
Institution of the Passover
Directions in the Mishnah
Scripture Records of the Feast
Later Celebrations
The Preparations for the Passover
The Custom of Modern Days
The Three Things --The first and the second Chagigah--The 'eve of the Passover'
Special Preparations --Search for, and removal of all leaven--What constituted leaven
Time of its Commencement --Commencement of the feast on the forenoon of the 14th Nisan--At what hour it became duty to abstain from leaven, and how it was intimated
Choice of the Lamb --Selection of the Paschal Lamb
Slaying of the Lamb --At what hour it was slain--Division of the offerers into three companies--Mode of sacrificing the Paschal Lamb
The 'Hallel' --The singing of the 'Hallel'--Why it was called the Egyptian Hallel
Completion of the Sacrifice --How the lambs were prepared after sacrifice
Our Lord's Celebration of the Feast --The disciples preparing the Passover for the Master.