Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 10
Festive Cycles and Arrangement of the Calendar

The Number Seven The number seven as determining the arrangement of the sacred year
The Three Cycles --The three festive cycles of the year--Difference between the Moed and the Chag--Three general characteristics of the great feasts--Post-Mosaic festivals and fasts
Three Annual Visits to Temple --Duty of appearing three times a year in the Temple--The 'stationary men' Israel's representatives in the Temple--Their duties
Difficulties of the Calendar --The Hebrew year lunar--Necessity of introducing leap-years
The New Moon --How the appearance of the New Moon was officially ascertained and announced--'Full' and 'imperfect' months
The Seven Messengers of the New Moon
Names of the Hebrew Months --Origin of the Hebrew names of the months--The 'civil' and the 'sacred' year
The Eras Used By the Jews
The Week --Division of the day and of the night--Jewish calendar.