Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 15
The New Moons: The Feast of the Seventh New Moon, or of Trumpets, or New Year's Day

The New Moons --Observance of the New Moon
The Determination of the New Moon --How its appearance was determined
The Blowing of Trumpets --The blowing of trumpets and its meaning
The Sacrifices of the New Moon --Sacrifices on New Moon's Day
Necessity for Distinguishing the Temple and Synagogue Use --Rabbinical superstitions connected with these days--Number of priests officiating in the Temple
A Prayer of the Third Century, AD --Whether and what special prayers were said
The Moon of the Seventh Month --The New Moon of the seventh month, the 'day of blowing,' or New Year's Day
The Mishnah on New Year's Day --Special sacrifices on that day--Order of Psalms sung
The Talmud on the New Year --Rabbinical notions as to the judgment pronounced on that day--Their interpretation of the blowing of trumpets
New Year's Day in Jerusalem --On New Year's Day the horn blown--Rabbinical traditions on the subject
The New Year's Blessings --The 'benedictions' on New Year's Day--New Year's Day in the time of Ezra
The First Day of the Seventh Month --Possible allusion to it in Ephesians 5:8,14.