by the late Rev. W.M.H. Milner (1923)

Russia is Magog


"Gog"-it is a long o both in the Hebrew and in the Greek-is made from the old-world word-root "GG," which in the early languages implied something "g-i-g-antic." Russia has this long time been the "Colossus" of the North. A potentate of Bible history and prophecy was "A-g-a-g." That name, or rather title, comes from the same root. he was (in his own estimation) A, Aleph, + GG=No. 1 Great! "The Agagites," were an Amalek-ite tribe," and "Agag" was " A poetic name of Amalek, derived from a particular dynasty." Of Israel it is written in Numbers 34:7, "His King shall be higher than Agag," referring probably to Ezekiel's Gog.

Now Amalek was one of two-nations descended from Esau. Teman was the other. The Teman-ite Edom we shall see to be the Ottoman Turks. Gog may be Amalek. If this be so, then Ezekiel's predicted catastrophe of Russia coincides with Obadiah's Downfall of Turkey. All about the Turks shall be explained in a later article–The Osmanli have by many of our writers been identified with Edom.

II.-"The Land."

"Gog, the Land of," so and so, stand the words in the prophecy, implying a regime (like that of the Tsarist oligarchy, or the Bolshevik military revolutionary minority) which, without reference to what the population might desire, decides the policy to be pursued. "L'Etat c'est Moi," declared the Grand Monarque. Of Russia it is always true that the Rulers are themselves the State.

Of course, it is always on the cards that some great military dictator may arise-he would be the personal Gog.

III.-Land of Magog

Not only is all the territory subject to Moscow one in its subjection to its rulers, but it is one also in virtue of a common element of blood. From the borders of Poland and Lithuania to Kmchatka and Vladivostok the so-called Russian peoples are either pure or mixed Mongolian ("Scratch a Russian an you will find a Tartar")-for


is Mongolia. That is, the country so named, and the adjoining areas peopled by those the actual Mongolians-nothing whatever to do with the use of the term Mongolian as a generic designation for the "Yellow Race". To quote from my original article in the Banner:-

"M'gog, as a geographical term used by the Hebrews of old and Arabs of to-day (Majuj), denoted that vast stretch of country to the north of the Black Sea, Caucasus, Caspian Sea, Hindu Kush, and the Altai, known to the later Greek geographers as Skythis, and to us as the Russian Empire in Europe and Asia. thus, without proceeding further, we may know the land which is identified with Gog." Narrowed down to the actual fact, this means a Mongolia in the western half of that great area which may reasonably be called so because Mongolian blood predominates therein; and, a Mongolia in the eastern half which is practically all Mongol, the Chinese State of that name and the Siberian territories adjoining thereunto.

"Magog" as "the Mongol" is thus in detail demonstrated in the eleventh chapter of my 'Russia Japhet'. (Were this book still in print I would not quote from but only refer to it; as it is, one must quote at length.)

"Magog was the second son of Japhet. The Arabian geographers of the Middle Ages appropriated his name, under the form of Majuj, to the same indefinite region which the later Greek and Roman writers designated Skythia-the vast inner expanse of Europe and Asia. In the map published in 1840 by the S.P.C.K., in their 'Notes, Explanatory and Practical' to the Bible, all the territory between the Don in European Russia, and the Altai mountains in the very heart of Siberian Asia is assigned to the descendants of Magog. "From the high-lands of Pamir, in the heart of Central Asia, whereon, according to the arguments of some of the earlier chapters of this treatise, the Japhetic races grew into national existence, an easy highway leads towards the eastern half of Asia. The Tarim river, whose valley this route would follow....loses itself.... on the edge of the Gobi desert. The basin of this river, forming a broad expanse between the Tia-shan mountains on the north and the range of Kuenlun to the southward, is one continual camping ground. Where these mountain barriers end begins the country called Mongolia, the original home of the Mongol race.

"The word Mongolian is one which si frequently used to denote the whole population of inner and northern Asia. At the outset we must carefully define a term like this. The type of race so often called in manuals of ethnology 'Mongolian'. let us designate the term 'Turanian'-the significance of which is co-extensive with the scriptural 'Japhetic.'....'Mongol' must be reserved as the title of that race which, however far afield it may since have wandered, issued from the territory distinctively designated "Mongolia.'" Now the name Mongol and the name Magog are, with slight variations, identical. Gibbon writes "Mongol" Mongou. In India "Mongol" became Mogh-ul--Mgg represents Mng, "Mongol" is "Magog."

The former province of Manch-uria was peopled from Mongolia. Between 1850 and 1860 Russian absorbed 150,000 square miles of Manchurian territory-since 1860, 100,000 more. These incursions into Manchuria have given Russia a quarter-million square miles of the Land of Magag.

Mongolia itself, the great Chinese province of that name, was, in the year 1911, placed in political dependence on Russia. The Bolshevist regime, in its steady onward push into all that was once the Czar's, has claimed this province too. The original Land of Magog is thus Russia.

But long before the arms of Russia were carried so far in the direction of China, much of the Land of Magog (in the wider sense) was under Russian rule-the Tunguses and the Buriats of eastern Siberia are Monguls. In this way to north and south of the Russian Siberian frontier, something like 2 million square miles of Mongul-peoples territory are Russian.

Earlier still, Russia has been overrun by Magog the Mongol. (I) The Huns issued from Mongolia. The Empire of Attila included the most important part of European Russia. Some of the blood of the present population of central and southern Russia must have been derived from these Mongolian Huns. This early predominance of the tribesmen of Attila has done much to make the Russian Empire the Land of Magog.

(2) In the year 1224 Mongol hordes poured over Russia under Genghiz Khan. They came again in 1237. Latham says they bore the specific name of "Mongol." Gibbon describes how they overran and devastated Russia. For more than 200 years, to 1480, Russia lay crushed beneath the Mongul rule. Russia was, in fact, Mongolized from end to end. Latham points out that a considerable mixture of the two races took place, showing itself in their language, features, and bodily appearance. Even the mongol tent formed the basis of their architecture down to the days of Peter the Great.

Thus-to sum up-The Russian Empire not only includes within its bounds nearly the whole of the Mongol area, but from the two great invasions, that of Attila and that of Genchiz-the latter resulting in a subjugation lasting upwards of two centuries-the whole of the vast expanse now governed by the Bolshevist minority from Moscow is saturated with Mongol blood and Mongol manners. The Russian Empire is the land of Magog.