- Passover
- OT=Ex. 12:1-14, 17, 24-27, 43, 51; Lev. 23:5,
28:16-17; Num. 9:2-5, 9-14; Deut. 16:1-8; Ez. 45:21-25
- NT=Luke 22:7-18; I Cor. 5:7-8
- Feast of Unleavened Bread.
- OT=Ex. 12:15-20; 13:6-7; 34:18; Lev. 23:6-8
- NT=I Cor. 5:6-8
- Feast of Weeks.
- Feast of Tabernacles.
- OT=LEv. 23:33-44; Deut. 16:13-17
- Sabbatical year.
- Cancellation of debts every seven years.
- Land to rest every seven years.
- OT=Ex. 23:10-11; Lev. 25:1-7; 26:34-35; II
Chron. 36:21
- God's Law to be read to all Israel, including children, every
seventh year.
- OT=Deut. 4:8-10; 31:10-13; Psalm
- Hebrew servants to be released every seventh year.
- Day of Attonement.
- OT=Lev. 16:29-34; 23:26-32
- NT=Heb. 10:1-3
- Year of Jubilee. ( Every 50th year )
- Every man's possesion to be returned to him.
- OT=Lev. 25:10,13,28; 27:24
- Not to sow or reap in the 50th year.
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Sacred Offerings
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