Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 5
Sacrifices: Their Order and their Meaning

Symbolism of the Sacrifices
Sacrifices the Centre of the Old Testament --Symbols and Types--Antisacrificial views of Rabbinism
The Idea of Substitution --Substitution the fundamental idea of sacrifice
The Paschal Lamb --The sacrifice when God first entered into covenant-relationship with Israel--After that all sacrifices either in communion, or for communion with God
Bloody and Unbloody Offerings
The Requisites of Sacrifice
The Creatures Appointed
The Eleven Sacrifices of the Rabbis
Holy and Less Holy
The Acts of Sacrifice --Acts belonging to the offerer, and priestly acts--Mode of offering sacrifices
Laying on of Hands --Imposition of hands and confession
Sacrifices Slain by Priests Only
The Application of the Blood --The sprinkling of the blood--Different modes of it
The Flaying
The Burning
New Testament View of Sacrifice Agrees with the Synagogue
Jewish Liturgies
The Eve of Day of Atonement