Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 3
Temple Order, Revenues, and Music

Second Temple Inferior in Glory --Comparison of the first and second Temple--What was wanting in the latter--'Without the Gate'
Lines of Sanctity Different degrees of sanctity attaching to different localities
Rules of the Rabbis --Ordinances enforcing due reverence in the Temple--'Provide neither gold,' 'nor scrip,' 'neither shoes, nor yet staves'
Wilful Profanity --Punishment of high-handed profanity--'Death by the hand of God' and 'cutting off'--'Anathema Maranatha'--The punishment of 'the rebels' bearing'
Its Penalties --The 'forty stripes save one,' and how administered
Necessity for Discipline --Need of strict discipline from the size of the Temple and the number of worshippers
The Temple Treasury --The revenues of the Temple--Things dedicated and free gifts
The Tribute Money --The Temple-tribute--How collected--Discount allowed to be charged by 'the money-changers'
Annual Sum of Tribute
Tribute Enforced By Law
How the Money was Spent --How the Temple revenues were employed--Splendour of the Temple services
The Temple Hymnody --The hymnody of the Temple--References to it in the Book of Revelation--Singing in the Temple--Threefold blast of the priests' trumpets
Instrumental Music
The Influence of David
The Harp and Lute
The Flute
The Human Voice