
Bible Studies & Doctrine

Over 300 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Born Again

Studies and articles for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Church - prophecy & typology

Over 270 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Church Structure

Over 200 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research on the administrative structure, issues and solutions for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course. Please be aware and respectful and don't plagiarise.

Church of God Pioneers

Over 300 pages of articles and research for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.

Church of God history

New book on Church of God Sabbatarian History coming! Click for detals.


Article for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Ezekiel's Message

Over 200 pages of studies and articles for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.

God's Law & Associated Topics

Over 240 pages of articles and research for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.

God's Plan & the Resurrection

Over 140 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.


Over 150 pages of articles and research for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.


Various helpful lists.

Millennial Reign of the Messiah

Nations & Races

A number of Bible studies, articles, charts, tables and research on the tribes of Israel and various other nations available for your free download.

Nations & Races - 'Lost' Tribes of Israel Research

Over 450 pages of Bible studies, articles, charts, tables and research on the tribes of Israel available for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course. Please be aware and respectful of the fact that these will form part of a large book on the subject.

Go to this link for research articles on the modern identity of the nations listed in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10).

Place of Safety

Over 200 pages of studies and articles for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.

Political Correctness & World News

Studies and articles for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.


Over 750 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

Spirit realm

Over 100 pages of Bible studies, articles, tables and research for your free download! Further articles will be added in due course.

The Journal articles

Various letters and articles of mine published in 'The Journal. News of the Churches of God.' Plus a few others

The Great German Nation. Origins & Destiny

Click HERE to learn more about this book and to order online. Over 300 pages; 8 chapters and 17 appendices; 200 references; 800 footnotes; 43 illustrations, maps and charts.

In Search of ... the Origin of Nations

Click HERE for detailed information about this enthralling book and to order this large 8"x11", 492 page book. Includes over 700 items in the bibliography, charts, maps, glossary, index.

New Books Coming

Book: Church of God Sabbatarian History
You will find this book completely unique with information, angles, insights and research not uncovered by others. This assemblage of data since 1973 will fascinate you, providing us with an appreciation that God does indeed work in mysterious ways. You will find that the history of the Church is sometimes different to what one may think! It is important that we be honest with history and not try and bypass the clear and obvious in an attempt to create an alternative reality. As such, I endeavor to be as accurate as possible with the data at hand. Over 720 pages of research.

Book: Tribes of Israel
You will find this book completely unique with information, angles, insights and a lot of research not uncovered by others. This assemblage of data since 1973 will fascinate you with over 450 pages of Bible studies, articles, charts, tables and research on the tribes of Israel The migrations of the tribes is not always what most think or expect! It is important that we be honest with history and not try and bypass the clear and obvious in an attempt to create an alternative reality. As such, I endeavor to be as accurate as possible with the data at hand.

Book: The Millennial Reign of the Messiah
You will find this book completely unique with information, angles, insights and research not uncovered by others. This assemblage of data since 1973 will fascinate you, providing us a huge amount of information on this 1,000 yeare period. That includes an analysis of each of the components of that period that has not been investigated in such detail before. You will find that the Millennium may be a bit different to what one may think - after all hundreds of Scriptures are explored - many or most over-looked! Over 400 pages of studies and research.