
Yancy McGill

NB: I am seeking information on other early members. If you know anything and to assist with filling in the gaps in our history, please send to me.

From the Autobiography:

Very shortly after our return from Astoria — possibly even before the meetings began in Salem, or very soon after they started, the Santiam River — on whose banks bordered the farms of Mike Helms and his brother-in-law, Yancy McGill — went on a rampage, overflowing its banks in a complete flood.” (p. 429) 

“I was asked to perform my first marriage ceremony. Ernest McGill, one of the twelve children had moved to Eugene from Salem. I was asked to perform my first marriage ceremony. Ernest McGill, one of the twelve children of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McGill, whose names have appeared before in this autobiography, asked me to perform the ceremony for him and Ora Lee Wilcox.” (p. 492)